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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Lonescout

  1. What was the price and I am the only size 8 KST!
  2. I was shocked ...its a good thing it came off....If my wife did that....hhhmmm! Your paint scheme looks Awesome!
  3. Styrofmos is molding the pouches to these specs....I have the tutorial which for my cumberbund just.. measurements and pics!
  4. Very impressive!....keep posting the vids....very smooth & clean!
  5. Here are some pics with the Velcro....Cob cummberbund attachment. You can see Velco near the bottom of the cod piece which is attaches to my pants, this way the cod is not moving around. Works great for me!
  6. Velcro....their is a piece of Velcro attached to the inside of the cummberbund and at the top of the cod piece their is a lip were velco is attached also. I had glued the velcro on the cod piece...I'll post pics tonight for a better understanding!
  7. Most Impressive!
  8. Most Impressive! Great painting! I really like the base color is this what MB used!
  9. Very Nice!
  10. Welcome to KST LAND! Good luck in building the armor! Keep us posted with your progress!
  11. pm sent...they look nice...light wait...can't wait to get a set!
  12. Watch it! Shortest KST RIGHT here! It's not the size that matters its how you wear it! :lol: Here's an event at a Clone Wars promo for the Tampa Bay (yuks) Bucs! I don't mean to steal Vod'ika's thread! http://s242.photobucket.com/albums/ff26/lu...Bucs%20Stadium/ Vod'ika keep up the great work!...you wear the costume well! Sorry to hear about your grandfather.
  13. brown and black is the way to go!
  14. Very nice pouches!
  15. Try to make your cameo job flow...If you look at MB and my armor(just the cameo pattern not the color) the cameo patten flows and we used to different techniques. Don't be afraid to use a pencil and sketch the cameo job. Also step back from the armor and see were you would need to add color. Have fun with it!
  16. Nice shoe find!
  17. Nice pic!
  18. Try not....you will! J/k Looking good!
  19. OK...I SEE!....that was sewn on after the alterations and the dying on my pants. Now the problem I/we may have is when it is washed, the pants may lose some of the dye and redying will be dangerous to the riding patch I haven't washed mine yet...just air dry and febreez.
  20. Hmmm! my alterations were done b4 I dyed it so the thread would dye also.....Unless you use black/brown thread!
  21. Don't stop posting the pics! Nice!
  22. I'll be watching closely...Good luck on the build!
  23. Nice pic...looking good KST's!
  24. Congrats! t-shirt, new challenge coin, etc. Make us proud!
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