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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Lonescout

  1. I think so, Maybe!....the picks in some areas look smeared, smuged, etc. I have a smeared area on my front chest plate...and I think that look better....I just don't have enough armor to experiment!
  2. Here was a pick from one of the original post I saved but I could not find it in the old threads...Guys, I can Check with my seamstress. She is Awesome. So I will see what she may think...it's worth a try!
  3. I new you were good!....but that's quick!
  4. I purchased a pair for $50.00 and they have size 13. So if I don't like them they will be nice Hiking shoes. http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/cb/cb.aspx?a=336749
  5. Here is a test fit....Here is my homey self...for some reason my pics won't come out straight! The gap in the front chest plate is due to the to side pieces not butting up against each other..maybe snaps/velcro I will need to add.
  6. Go for it! We need Scouts! At least try the helmet!
  7. Thanks Nate keep me inform....I wish I had inches 3 inches only 3! LOL....thanks Denise!
  8. First of all please post who you are in the newbie section, not in the boot section. As a newbie you need to read...read...read through the threads!. They are their for your guidance and can be informative. If you have a question about a specific armor post it and someone will pm you the appropriate answer. Come on now your not dumb due to your Intellectual response. I am not sure if Eldictator has recast anything or supports SPF but this is how someone like me suffers from having the original Kashyyyk armor and because of a recast. Once that happened then the soft parts were placed on hold and the project died. Several of us have the armor but it's not complete so I have to wait for guys like mrbungle, etc to get the other parts I need and who knows if they are re-caster's unless they prove us wrong like mrbungle did! This is why it is important to ask questions when you may be in doubt because you don't want to fork out hundreds of dollars and be stuck with the armor for almost a year sitting in your closet. Then again if the helmet was not re-casted we would probably a boat load of Kashyyyk troopers already. my 2 cents!
  9. Here all the measurement size I am going by: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=1651 The boxes are 6 in tall, 3 inch wide, and 1" 1/4 thick. Since I am 5'5 I cut the larger box to 5 inch and I need to cut the smaller boxes too 2 inches. The smaller boxes I have in the pics are 3 inch which are cut from a 6 in box. so I had to do some cutting mods on all the boxes. This boxes are functional, light, and are made from rubber. I think I paid $8 for 12 on the bay. The color paint is Panzer Olive green and Tamiya Flat Earth the same as my armor.
  10. Here Are some German Mag pouches I painted up! They are rubber. The pouches look like a type of cloth/canvas in the reference pics, but I decided to paint these up!
  11. Nate, thanks for your help on this!
  12. I seen your post....5'8....I wish lol....I am 5'5 and is armor fits..me fine...the shoulder bells are big for me so I will install Knee pads in them so they look like they are floating as in the movie. I still think the back plate(tank) is to big and long...were as in the movie it looks wider than the scout. But shorter than the one pghfett made. Maybe it's my eyes!
  13. Here are some better pics of the wash. You can really see the green wash and I decided not to weather any thing so I clear coated the armor pieces...I can't wait to get the bucket!
  14. I like the flaps they look very accurate. What type of boxes are you using? Keep the pics coming! Here are my pics of German mag pouches. They are durable and light weight. I know they are not fabric but I will paint the cameo on them.
  15. Green wash applied...I used Citadel Camo Green...which is close to the lime green. I couldn't find the lime Green in the Citadel inks. The back plate has that green tint and you can see the difference when the paint is applied to the armor compared to the unwashed bicep piece. pic was taken with flash This pic with out the flash.
  16. Backplate Pics....I may need to add some more paint since this is a huge piece to paint. Also I will line up all my pieces to make sure the paint scheme is to my liking before I Green Wash!...Feel Free to add any comments! I will need to dry brush the tank topper! Posted for looks!
  17. That is correct....That is what I used on my armor also!
  18. Awesome...I need them... I need shins and boot guards! .... come to me...come to me... OK! Let me snap out of that dream! LOL
  19. Keep the pics comming ...Very nice!
  20. Of course, I don't want to here "CRACK"....Question: Once FG is painted can it still be heated and shaped?
  21. More Pics! I have to bondo and have sanding to do on the back plate. Front and back plate are aligned, it does not look like it in the pic due to the far strap was coming undone. After all the green and brown is painted I will go back and add the Desert Yellow and touch up certain areas.
  22. It was nice meeting you this weekend at the parade!
  23. Everything has been boxed up and the front plate was already sanded, bondoed, and primed. I have not touch the back plate yet. I need to do this next so I can match the front and back plate. I spoke to Jason about the bucket. I don't have funds yet, I hope to soon. Anyone want to help the needy toward my bucket fund. I may be the only original Barc/Kashyyyk. Too many projects on my plate right now! My main concern is the shin(lower leg parts) and toe piece. I think Mike made the molds but never produced any? I may have to mix match pieces if Sci-Fire offers pieces separately once they create their costume.
  24. No, need to letting this Armor rest in a box with all the excitement with the new Kashyyyk armor. I started to paint again and hope the soft parts follow with the progress of the Sci-Fire armor. Those that have this armor never forget it. Just paint it!
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