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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by MikerScout

  1. Ok. Im awaiting for 501st approval and starting to put things together for Lancer. Are there any glaring issues you guys pick up on? Oops, I should have uploaded these one at a time with full resolution
  2. I learned two things today taking the photos for my 501st application. 1. My armor needs velcro to help hold it to the flight suit, it moves around a lot. 2. I need to get rid of this gut. lol
  3. ahh good catch. It seems consistency was not in the cards for these poor scouts. I'll rest my case and follow the CRL as written.
  4. As we know many of the new old stock bags are gone. There are reproductions but they are far too yellow to match the screen used Rothco belts. Many people use a different belt that matches the bag but at the sacrifice of accuracy. I dyed my bag to match to match the belt. Couple gallons of water. First soak the bag in a water and vinegar mix for 1/2 an hour or so. The mix up 8 to 10 earl gray tea bags steeped 8 spoons of coffee (in a bag) steeped for 15 to minutes. 30 drops of green food coloring. Put the bag in and soak it for a bit, I think it was about an hour for me. You could do 15 minutes until you get the color depth you are looking for. I did try to dye it with just tea prior so, maybe do a tea/coffee soak, let it dry then do a tea/coffee/food color soak? Before After Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
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  5. In the CRL it states "Rear parachute buckles are threaded with the white webbing straps in front of the buckle." In watching the IG scene a couple times today I found both scouts have only one buckle threaded that way. The lead scout with the complete tank topper and the strip on his tank has his left bucked threaded white on top and the other scout's is on the left side. The opposite side is threaded same as the front. Should the CRL read "In the rear, one parachute buckle is threaded with the white webbing strap in front of the buckle; the other is threaded normally." I'm no armorer, just a dude. I was looking at the show to try to do mine correct but correct by the show is not 100% correct by the CRL
  6. Trooper bay, but his site seems to be down at the moment. It has a velcro closure which I think is adding to the problem. I'm going to order one from steph as soon as she gets back from vacation unless you can reccomend another source to look at. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  7. Test fit. Still need to base weather the boots and get the drop boxes on, webbing for those coming today.
  8. Weathering.... wow this is taking longer than I thought and I think I need more! I'll post some pics over the weekend of where I am and possibly shoot for pathfinder. I think there is still some work to do for lancer but it would be nice to get my foot in the door. Also.... this neck seal blows. I have very little room, maybe I have a short neck. The seal sitting on top of my collar causes it to push up on my helmet. Maybe Storm Troopers have this issue as well?
  9. More dust! Shoulder piece is untouched for contrast. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  10. Started the weathering. Base coat in the works. This project is coming to a head! Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  11. Ok, update. Armor is sized and straps attached to everything except for the waist strap on the chest/back and the cloth on the belt. Cummerbund, pouches and cod are sewn!! I think I have learned more about my sewing machine in the past week than I thought I would in a life time. Everything is coming together nicely. It's almost time to start the weathering!!
  12. Not bad I think, you were right! I'm going to cut it where we had it then snug it up a little bit after that. It's bunched up quite a bit right now on top of my shoulders. Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  13. I will. I have been watching the first scene of S1:E8 and the scout with bag has his back armor really close to his bund. The other has a much much larger "sag" I have been basing my build off the "bag scout"... do these guys have names? Either way, I'll try to draw it up a little more and see how it looks. Thanks for the feedback Corey, I don't mean to sound argumentative.
  14. Brought the back up a little bit. Armornis sitting a little bit crooked but I'll even it out when I trim. The cod is paper, just trying to fit the pattern some. What do you think? @Chopper @TKZombie Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  15. lower the bun or raise the back armor? The bottom of bund is sitting right on the top of my butt cheek. I'm going to try to work up the cod today.
  16. If you look hard enough you find all kinds of stuff. In the pic of the scout pointing his blaster at the IG part of his tank topper is missing. Actually in several scenes. The scout without the bag has a busted topper
  17. Looking for some fitment feedback please. I feel like I have the chest and back armor fitted well. The cummerbund is an 8 inch bund, belly seams measure 1 inch. I'm fairly happy with the placement of all this except for my carb/beer gut kicking everything out of wack (I think I need to work on that) lol. I'd like the bund up a little in the front but it binds with the back armor. Ideas, suggestions? Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  18. Gotcha, must just be the lighting
  19. I'm looking at the close up of the cod (for sizing and attachment on my own built (these are great pictures!)) and I am wondering.... is that duck cloth? The weave looks coarse to me.
  20. Pouches!!! Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
  21. 3/8" or 1/4" seam allowance. I thought it was 3/8 but now I'm thinking it might be 1/4. A seamstress I am not, this is trial and error for me. never mind... it's 1/2.
  22. I like this better. I gave a little more room down bottom and tightened up the top seam. The dog bone might be a tad undersized, we'll see after I get the upper glued on. It bothers me that i can see the lump of the underneath the toe cap. Maybe I shouldn't worry about it. What do you guys think? Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
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