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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by jennyruth

  1. After much communication that wasn’t so fruitful, I finally found some hope with a fellow Pathfinder and friends and help from Mr. Poopie, I think I’m finally on a track to get some working armor. Hopefully. That had motivated me to start back on my soft parts. I’m working on the top of my undersuit and realized I’m not quite sure how tall to make the mandarin collar. This is a pic of this trial, and I think it may be too short. The CRL states it should cover the neck area, but I don’t know how much of the neck we are talking about covering up. Any help would be much appreciated. thanks!!
  2. Is there a certain kind of aim that we should have for the height of the collar. When it says "covers the neck area" how much area are we looking to cover? I know it will be different depending on size but is there a ballpark "half of the neck" or "most of the neck"--something like that?
  3. Thank you for the encouragement! It's taking longer than I wanted, but I know I'll eventually get there I've talked to several other smaller females about armor, and I think I'm on a good path now. However, I didn't know that forum existed, so I'll go check that one out. I'm definitely using the Lancer specs for my soft parts because, like you said, it makes the whole costume look good. So, would these boots work for the Lancer cuts? Or is it just a good base without them? I'm trying to figure out how things will work for Lancer before I buy them. And, yes, comfort is definitely a priority, too!
  4. Sooooo . . . long story short, I received armor from RS Propmasters in July, and their pulls are just extremely large for my frame size. It is an absolutely beautiful set, but no amount of work or shaping would get it to fit me. They were gracious to work with me to send it back, but I had to start over on that front, and it kinda sucked the wind out of my sails. However, I've started back on my soft parts and have gotten my gloves and balaclava. After conversations and sending back and forth measurements with Jeff, Studio Creations has been super helpful to help me get armor that actually fits. Hopefully that will be coming along soon. I did stick with the red label helmet from RS and their blaster, and they are lovely pieces. They arrived with my original armor purchase with paint issues, but I received my replacements a couple of weeks ago, and the paint is good. My biggest challenge at the moment is boots. The ones most people use are men's, which is fine, but I can't find them in a small enough men's size to fit my foot. Haha, the story of my life with this armor project. So, I have seen these and would like to know if they are suitable for the base sole that I can alter for lancer status. I know they have to be carved. I'm not sure at this point if I'll ever make it there (right now I'd just be happy with armor that fits), but I'd like to have all my parts in line in case I do.
  5. Gotcha. I may wait on that part until my armor comes in, then. Or, make it too long and trim it when i can try it all on. Thanks!
  6. Thank you! For the butt flap--will the bottom of it hit around the top of where the straps are?
  7. Thanks! The suede was frustrating, but I underestimated the power of the dark side of those straps The hard part is knowing I can't infinitely keep sewing over those suede patches or they'll start to get compromised. I think I've got it fixed, but I'm having trouble posting my pictures in a reasonable size. I'll post one below by itself.
  8. Thanks! I went ahead and fixed it, and it turns out that the straps weren't very droopy after all--just like you said I don't have a new pic, but I'm much happier with the alteration. I'll try to get a new one up when I get the pants more completed and add the flap in the back.
  9. Here is the progress on my bottom half so far--primarily the patches and straps. I have a big question about the straps, though. I took a close-up of the back area, in which the strap seems to pull at the back patch a bit. The strap is not at all tight, but it is not the same length as that area between the front and back patch, obviously. But, if I pull some of the length out so that it doesn't pull, the strap will be droopy. So, my question is: Should the strap be more taut, like in the picture (with some pull) OR should it be not pull and be droopy/loose on the sides? I've tried to look at pictures, but that black on black in less-than-ideal lighting makes it really difficult to see.
  10. Avoiding wedgies--definitely a good thought! haha
  11. These patches are gonna drive me bonkers. I'm sure I'm making them more complicated than they have to be. Anyway, I think the back side may need to extend along the bottom of my bum a little more. Maybe? And the front seems a little too wide, maybe? Input would be appreciated.
  12. Is there any general consensus as to how far down the patches go? The picture on the CRL definitely has them under the trooper's knee armor. And, I've seen other builds with them that low. But, you mentioned them ending 2-3 inches above your knee armor. Others also seem to have shorter patches.
  13. Thanks! This is the base pattern that I've used for four costumes so far: https://mccallpattern.mccall.com/m6361 Like armor, commercial patterns have to be modified to fit you, and I had to make modifications for specific costume looks as well. But, this is now my fifth pair with my modified pattern, and I think I'm finally not hating making pants so much this time
  14. I don't normally do WIPs like this, but I've been lurking around and asking questions for some time now, and have found this forum to be incredibly helpful, so I thought you all deserve a peek into my build, and I also hope that it could be helpful to someone in the future. I'm a 5'3" lady with a smaller frame, so this is completely out of my comfort zone, but I'm really excited to vary from my normal soft-only costumes. This is also my first 501st costume (I have several in the RL.) My armor has been ordered since the end of May from RS Propmasters and should be arriving to me in the near future, so I thought I'd get started on my soft parts. After much deliberation and getting input from others, I decided to go with a two-piece undersuit, making potty breaks easier and tailoring easier for my shape. (Side note: I did try on a RedKap coverall, and it was quite ill-fitting and uncomfortable, so it affirmed my decision to make my own. I was itching to get started, so, for tonight . . . I cut out my trousers. They are a black twill cotton, and the same fabric will be used for the top.
  15. Thank you! I'm a shorter trooper, so I'm gonna need all the space I can get to fit those pouches in the limited real estate I have
  16. Am I understanding this correctly: the pouches are attached (sewn or by velcro) with the 2" attachment tab, and that tab is basically hidden underneath the chest armor? So, the cummerbund would sit about 2" under the chest armor but end right at the belt?
  17. Great! Thank you! I've been pondering how I might could more easily maneuver bathroom trips and such, and the 2-piece option was starting to sound helpful for that a little more easily tailored for shapes with curves.
  18. This information is incredibly helpful. Thanks! I do know that the CRL lists the undersuit as approvable as a 1 or 2 piece item. Is a 2-piece suit also approvable for Lancer status?
  19. Thank you! I've made several soft costumes so far, so that's all the experience I have when it comes to armor builds, but if I'm gonna make it, I want to try to do it as good as I can the first time
  20. Hi! I was hoping you could give me some clarification on the raglan sleeves for the vest. The picture on the CRL and the tutorials here (like the awesome tshirt one) don't show full raglan sleeves but maybe a partial raglan. From my understanding, the picture on the CRL looks to have the diagonal seam of a raglan as well as having the seam come closer to the neck seam as a partial raglan. But, re-attaching sleeves to a tshirt, in which the sleeve would start at the shoulder, wouldn't provide this same kind of sleeve, correct? But, it is approvable anyway? Thanks for being so willing to answer my random questions out and about on the forums. As I save up to buy the armor, I'm trying to research and get started on the soft parts I can and get ready for the ones I need to finalize with the armor.
  21. Thank you! I have been reading the CRL and getting ready for my soft parts. I know it says the white parts are "matte white cotton fabric" but do you have any suggestions on what fabric works best/looks best for those pieces? White cotton fabric can take on a variety of forms. (If you have any suggestions for the vest fabric, I'd take those as well.)
  22. Is batting used throughout the entire piece or just in the area of the ribbing in the middle?
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