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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by jennyruth

  1. It's a pre-made color (kinda like a pantone), and I just picked the gloss finish I wanted.
  2. Starting the color coat today. Pretty happy with the color match to the helmet.
  3. Hi, @Cpt_Chops! I was looking browsing for some butt flap sizing tips and found your WIP. I'm in Alabama and working on a 3D Scout too. It looks like you're making great progress. I look forward to seeing it all come together!
  4. Just a couple more pieces to sand, but I started priming so they can be ready for top color coat. As I’m getting closer to the assembly, it seems that people may have different ways of doing things. However, is this generally the most exhaustive post on how to actually put it together with all the required strapping?
  5. Thanks! I’m still trying to get as close as I can. Not a hard fix.
  6. I kept the blaster from RS and kept th holster too, as I knew they would fit well together. But, these slits for the “vent” should go all the way through, correct?
  7. Yes! That’s what I meant! It looks like you have snaps. On the inside maybe? So you affix them in the back wherever it makes the boxes fall correctly in your leg/hip? And does the back strapping then Velcro over itself to keep it on?
  8. Thanks so much. Here’s a related question. And maybe I just need to go look and see if there’s a post for how it all gets put together. But where did the back strap of the box go?
  9. When one drills holes for the rivets in the side of the belt, about how far from the edge is advisable? Also, do you glue the rest of the belt inside? It seems like one rivet will hold it but not look tidy.
  10. While I wait for weather to cooperate with armor pieces, I’m putting some finishing touches on my soft parts. I’m am usually a soft talker, but I like to be very interactive at troops, especially kids. So, I knew I wanted to have a mic, and after talking with other plastic space people, I decided not to use a Bluetooth one. I got one for Christmas that is waiting to be used That meant I had to hide my cord. I’ve seen this done other ways, but I decided to go a different route and hide it behind my costume. I made button holes in the back of my pouch and in the cummerbund where they meet. Then I made a foam bottom and back (with a hole) for that pouch to provide stability and shape. Then, I put it all on and made sure it was lined up with my armor, marking where those holes would align with my vest and flight jacket. I made more buttonholes in those two pieces. Finally, I tried it all back on and took a weird picture looking down on the pouch, with the cord completely hidden under my flight jacket and making its way through to the speaker in the pouch.
  11. Thank you for leading the way with a great tutorial!
  12. I’ve had my RS bucket for 2-3 years, and I knew I would need to mod it if I wanted open ear holes. Lancer or not, I live in Alabama, and it’s hot much of the year. Any chance of getting some ventilation would be helpful. But I kept putting it off because who wants to cut a perfectly lovely helmet? Thanks to @AradunFFand his tutorial, I had some good instructions. To find where I needed to cut, I stuck pins at the top and bottom of the ear slot and then used my chalk marker to draw a line on the inside, between the two pin points. I was terrified to pull out that foam piece sandwiched around the ear hole, but it actually came out easier than I imagined. It got a little sticky (literally and figuratively) trying to glue it back, but it got done. One thing I didn’t want to do was to cut through that seam, but I didn’t see another way. However, some fabric glue repaired it easily. Ventilation! While I was working on the bucket, I put some padding inside (via hook and loop) to help raise it up the right level with my eyes and to help it not bobble around on my head so much. The Velcro that came on the chin cup straps was sticky, but the straps kept coming off of it. I attempted a few different ways to rectify this with new velcro. (I couldn’t sew it because the slits on the helmet were too thin for both thicknesses, and I wasn’t up for cutting the actual helmet.) I ended up using fabric glue to adhere some new velcro to the elastic strap. And then added some fray check on the ends of the elastic. It seems to have adhered well, so I think that’s it for the bucket until I wear it and need to make other adjustments. But for now, it can move to the “done” pile.
  13. The armor was printed with white filament, and I wanted to keep the base as light as possible in case paint scratches. So, instead or rounds of gray filler primer, I did a solid round of sanding and then applied XTC 3D (until I ran out; more is on the way). After it thoroughly dried on those pieces, I am doing another round of sanding. I’m very happy with how smooth the pieces are turning out. Slowly but surely coming along.
  14. Didn’t want anyone to think I had given up. With a few cons and regular life, progress slowed on the armor. But I have gotten things glued, worked with a friend to reinforce seams and other weaker spots with fiberglass, and I have been sanding my life away It got too cold to paint, but it’s starting to warm up, so I’m trying to get to a point where I can be ready when there’s good weather. Not too far. And yet so far
  15. Sorry, I think it’s actually the battery pack on the back. He had a towel roll in it.
  16. So, how does the towel strapping attach to the belt? Does it strap through the belt? Or maybe attached to the belt?
  17. Yeah, I noticed the screen shots don’t have any top stitching but that The Wagner’s did (I think), so I wasn’t sure.
  18. Is the edge stitching ok to have on this? Construction wise, it’s helpful, and I like the aesthetic, but not sure about how it would be received.
  19. I have a little tweaking to do, but otherwise does this look about right for the padding pieces?
  20. I appreciate the kind help and am open to hearing if there are good options for those of us too big for kid armor and too small for what’s typically out there. However, I’m at peace with printing at this time. It seems to be a viable option for getting proportional armor instead of having knee armor that’s the size of my calves, hip boxes that protrude awkwardly off my thighs, but a bicep piece that fits. I wanted to be a scout, and I can be a scout
  21. No worries. The RS kit was enormously large on me. Looked like football pads. No amount of trimming would have made it fit. I kept a few pieces—the thermal detonator and the holster and blaster. I did inquire about the sizing of the Chef armor after you mentioned it earlier, but the sizing questions I asked was not answered, so I was afraid to be stuck with a kit that was too big. SC has a couple of smaller pull pieces, but overall, it’s still not proportioned. He was afraid to let me get his kit out of fear that I would be swimming in it as well. Printing it seemed a last resort. But it has allowed us to fit all the pieces instead of a choice few. I’ll check out the thread you shared though.
  22. Well, any hopes for lancer were squashed by the forearm and upper arm armor. The print files are great and made armor available to fit me and not cover up my whole arms, but when you shrinK pieces, you also shrink the strap openings. There is enough room to make the openings larger for the hip boxes and rivet holes on the knees. But these two pieces can’t be adjusted without compromising the integrity and look of the piece. Plus, I gotta wear my belt on my hips, as my waist is not far below the chest armor. So, I’ll keep working toward those standards to make a nice looking scout, but sometimes things just don’t work out.
  23. Thank y’all! I really appreciate the kind words and help from everyone. I hope the armor will cooperate, and hopefully I’ll be a scout sooner than later. It’s been a long ride
  24. I’ve heard the helmet is tough! That’s one reason why I just wanted to buy it. I needed one thing I didn’t have to build Good luck!
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