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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by jennyruth

  1. Thanks for the input, Everyone! I'm so appreciative and feel like it's been a group build, and I'm incredibly grateful. Armor has been a pain, but you've really made this a much more smooth process. I apologize for this next question, but I am not well-versed in rivets. There are a lot of different kinds! I believe these are the right size, but there are apparently long and medium and short kinds, etc. What am I supposed to get? Short ones? https://www.homedepot.com/p/Arrow-1-8-in-Aluminum-Short-Rivets-100-Pack-RSAW1-8IP/100189414 Medium ones? https://www.lowes.com/pd/Arrow-100-Pack-1-8-in-Aluminum-Rivet/1087333 Also, any tips on the size of the washer that's supposed to go on the tank?
  2. OK, here’s the cod and cummerbund together. I recognize some tweaking and positioning may need to occur after all the armor gets together. But, I made the cummerbund the 8” that has been assured to fit even a short scout like myself. So, here’s hoping I apologize for the poor lighting. I realize I don’t have the butt flap on yet. I promise I haven’t forgotten it.
  3. Thank you! I'm trying to make things to Level 2 even if I don't get approved for it. I'm so out of my element with armor that I'm paranoid I'm not reading things properly. Thanks for your patience with me as I ask so many questions.
  4. Working on getting the strapping ordered/collected for the armor and want to make sure I understand correct about the white straps. In reading the CRL, it seems the only nylon strapping is the 2" strapping that goes along the back of the belt. The 1.5" that connects the chest & back under the arms as well as the drop boxes to the belt is cotton webbing. Is that correct? I would think nylon would hold up better and clean better long term so I want to double-check that I'm understanding that correctly. Also, is there any special tip that I need to know before ordering. Oh, one more thing--the rivets--do I get aluminum ones?
  5. I got the “good fabric” cod completed and am happy with how the lack of bunching worked out. I don’t have another set of hands to take a picture, so I’ll have to post it when I get the cummerbund done. I can show how I did the attachments. In the front, I attached with Velcro to the bottom of the vest. For the back, I have seen the videos of making an adjustable strap via a parachute clip. What a great idea! But I thought that I may not want something that bulky pressing into my back, so I experimented with a roll buckle. It seems to work very well and helped me not have to make a precise cut of my elastic, which is helpful when fitting to yourself. Ironically, the roll buckle I used was left over from my Endor Leia build 😂
  6. Thank you both for taking the time to help me make it better!
  7. Ok, I reworked it some and raised the line and adjusted the sides to have a more tapered look. I tried to use a stand in belt to give a better picture of proportions and such. I have a plan to help with the bunching but didn’t do it on this mock up. Thoughts?
  8. Thank you! I’ll raise it up some more. The tapering is something I noticed after the picture, and I’ll work on that too. Thank y’all so much for taking the time to give me feedback.
  9. Thanks! I do have a strap attached that’s pulled under and back. I don’t know if that makes a difference. My first mock-ups actually had it much higher, about 2 inches, but then it was like near my hip bone and lower abdomen and not really near the groin area. I can take some pictures of that one if it helps. I can definitely pull it up some, and I like your suggestion of the pattern cutout. That’s a great idea.
  10. Finally got back to work while I’m waiting for my armor to print. This is a mock-up for the cod piece. I still have a little tweaking to do, but overall, I’m curious how the shape, size, and placement of the little sewing line looks.
  11. Now that I will be starting my white part soon, I’m trying to decided where I want to cod piece to attach. Back of the cummerbund? Vest? Any idea what seems to work best and look best for most people?
  12. Thanks, glad to be of help. I’m a slow process but I’m getting there For the leather patches, I used a leather needle. They are sharper than regular needles. My suede was also pigskin suede, which is not as thick as cow suede. I have a standard machine, but it was an investment in a good Bernina about 10 years ago. So, while not an industrial machine, it’s been a good workhorse. I sewed some cow suede pouches for Endor Leia with it, but that’s about as much as I would push it.
  13. Just in case it helps someone -- for patterning the vest: I found a T-shirt that fit well over my undersuit top. Then, I used this tutorial to make a pattern and just modified it where needed (like the neck size and cutting open the back and adding allowances for the velcro closure): https://www.itsalwaysautumn.com/draft-sew-raglan-tee-pattern-size.html
  14. Thank you for those kind words I tell people that I'm more stubborn than skilled, haha, but nothing is ever easy, right? I very much appreciate your encouragement.
  15. I tried out making a vest with the same fabric as my undersuit material. Not quite as comfy as the jersey but I think I’m pretty happy with it. Very easy to move in it but still maintaining stability. I recognize that I may have to remake it when I actually get armor and can see placement better but this will work for sizing and building in the meantime. This is as good of a pic as I can get of it on me for the time being.
  16. Yeah, nobody wants to wear a canvas vest OK, I may play around with my extra fabric then. Thank you for all of your help!
  17. It’s a twill, with a little stretch. Maybe around a mid-heavy weight. Heavier than a T-shirt, but not like a canvas.
  18. Thanks for the fabric thoughts! I did keep the RS helmet, thermal detonator, and blaster Right now, I have a gracious, fellow scout buddy who is using @MrPoopie’s print files for the rest of the armor so it can be sized to me. I will likely order one of Studio Creations smaller size belts though, for the flexibility. I’m like a patchwork scout right now. I’m short, too, so printing it seems a good way to get things to fit more proportionately. Most armor I have looked at, even the arm pieces take up almost the entire bicep or forearm. And the knees could fit on my upper leg. Having the ability to size all the pieces will help me not look like a child who dressed up in her parent’s armor. We will strengthen it up with fiberglass on the back of the chest and back. It’s really been quite the frustrating task to find something that will work, and these print files have been some needed hope. Some have suggested child armor, but I’m not quite that small. I’ll gladly check out the armor you mentioned though. Can the fabric for the vest be the same as the undersuit?
  19. I wish I could use RS armor. It’s a beautiful kit. Unfortunately it was extremely too big on me. So, I’m having to get creative in armor. This one is a trial so I don’t mind making some tweaks to my pattern. I may pull that neck in a bit. Thanks! Any suggestions on fabric?
  20. I’m trying to make my vest but am running into comfort versus fashion issues. Hahahaha i first got some fabric that is a great weight and looks nice and is overall lovely. But, when trying it in real life, it feels heavy (and hot—I live in central Alabama, and we only have about two cold weeks a year) and with not as great of movement. So I’ve been on a fabric hunt. I know a lot of people use T-shirts, so I tried one with a knit material like a nicer T-shirt. It is significantly more comfortable and lighter. But I’m not sure about the look of it. Albeit it’s mostly covered up, but I want to do it well. So, any suggestions or thoughts? Here’s a pic with the heavier cotton knit. Also, how’s the neck opening? I’m not sure what constitutes “much wider.”
  21. I have to add some closure to the collar but I finished up the top part of the undersuit last night. It will be tucked into my trousers (which quarantine shrunk a little bit, hmmm). I couldn’t get a picture of it all on but will try to soon.
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