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Everything posted by PropReplicator2

  1. Hey there, no I don’t have the rebels holster measurements. If anyone would be willing to share these that would be immensely helpful! I am focusing mainly on the cosmetic details for now, but will focus on sizing when I get ready to put it together
  2. Saw a post on Facebook today where WTF was designing a rebels Scout Blaster, but there's was designed completely from their ideas on how the blaster should look. My goal is to make a blaster based on references found in the series. Here are a few images I collected today from a biker scout chase scene in season 3 of the series.
  3. I was just having a jolly old time running through my StarWars Chronicles book and stumbled upon the biker scout section... I was very confused when I saw this picture depicting the boot holsters being held on with straps. Was this method used on any of the SU suits? Maybe this was just a pre-production suit? Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  4. Now to hand paint the "decals"... Wish me luck! Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  5. Here are some new pics from today. Parden the yellowish glow it's actually bright white but the way the sunset is coming through the window makes the color look off:) https://imgur.com/gallery/hPnma Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  6. I thought TB stopped making them? Maybe I'm wrong Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  7. Hey guys, What is a good set of decals for a Don post helmet? Looking to replace them while finishing my mods to the helmet:) Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  8. Hey guys, it has been FOREVER since I updated this thread but here I go... So I dremeled the tops of the rivets off flush with the visor, and filled in the divets with epoxy putty. Ordering a DVH snout greeblie later to replace this ugly mcgugglie one that comes with the helmet:). P.S. sorry for the broken photo links but with the recent horrifying Photobuckets bs, my pics have been lost due to me not wanting to spend $400 a year to host photos. Hello imgur! Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  9. I poked three holes up the length of my Velcro's strip and added snaps for extra durability. But that's another option. Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  10. Im currently designing a glove with phone-touch-finger tips Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  11. Once you cut the pattern out in fabric it all makes sense some how. Fold one all the lines and then stick the tabs together. Match them up like origami. Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  12. I literally did ALL of the soft parts for my scout by myself including the flightsuit. Its not super easy starting out but once you get the knack for it you'll take off in no time Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  13. Damnit I was afraid of that. Will continue looking for basic dimensions. I wanted to get it mostly done by this Halloween
  14. Are there still no templates or patterns available? Haven’t been able to start because work has not yielded to me yet but I will soon:)
  15. We are the exact same size! Will be orderings one of these for scout #2
  16. Mine are sewn onto the bund and have been since '03... For suspension, I used some super thin elastic and attatched two pieces to the bund (one for each shoulder). Its lasted me forever, remains comfortable, and looks fine. Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  17. Which probably means this was one from the film, and the other ones could have been pre-production blasters from early photoshoots. Or the one that was on display last year was a stunt blaster instead of a hero.
  18. Hey guys and gals, What would be the best primer and spray paints to use when painting my vinyl DP helmet? I have never spray painted vinyl before and Am honestly a little scared to do so without a good paint list..... Thanks!
  19. Ah ok. The tubestripes should be on the right side of the tank. Thanks guys!
  20. Hey guys and Gals, I was browsing through the gallery an JUST realized that there was a scene where the Biker Scout turns around on his speeder and the fish hook detail is on the right side opt the helmet instead of the left. sorry if tho has already been discussed but it just now hit me that this scene was in the film. Was this detail placed there on purpose or was it camera mishap? I’m leaning more towards camera mishap, because the way it i facing is correct... Thanks, Mike
  21. I also made another one with snaps instead of a zipper. The problem is not that it doesn't work well because it does, it's just that it causes stress where the snaps are and feels wierd after a couple hours. If you are hand making your own stuff make sure it's comfortable;) Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  22. Mine has a zipper on it. I added an extra 3" of fabric to my Cummberbund after having the same problem though and sewed it so it looked like it was Velcro's shut but the zipper really seals it to my body. Hope that makes some sense:)
  23. I have a friend who makes decent 3-D printed scout helmets. Not for 501st application but it looks good enough as it is obviously a scout helmet. Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
  24. I have one with off white and one with white pouches. I think I like the off white pouches better though because it adds more realism to me... Who can actually keep cloth stark white in the forest?? Not me. Has to have a little ageing to it lol. Sent from my KYOCERA-E6560 using Tapatalk
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