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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Tristancraig

  1. Hey guys, opinions on the wheat version of the boot in following link..... http://m.ebay.ca/itm/work-boots-Mens-Winter-Leather-Boot-Men-Outdoor-Waterproof-Rubber-Snow-boots-/391275144181?nav=SEARCH
  2. Yeah like I said I'm just on a smart phone, so I can't zoom or inspect it. I figured if was just my eyes
  3. Are there any tutorial links anyone has? That was a rad description from Chunk, and Ive checked out a few angles in screen shots as well, was just wondering.
  4. I'm just on a goofy not so smart, smart phone right now, I'll try and circle the spot on Griffins shot later
  5. Oh sorry Jeff. Miscommunication, your piece has the clean cylinder, it was the picture that Griffin posted that I was referring to the slanted/ flat part. Which was located at the top of the cylinder. Like I said tho, I wasn't sure if it was just lighting or a reflection.
  6. I was gonna try cooks and the 400 flea market, they had some kinda cheap work esque boots mid summer when I was lookin for some new steel toes. Should be able to pull something off. I had been lookin at the brahmas and the rustler ones, but couldn't see the link you posted, was it one of those?
  7. I've been bouncing around the walmarts in Barrie, but seems they just don't have the right sole, didn't even think of Payless. The wife will love that suggestion! 😂
  8. yeah ive actually been looking buying some from the US, just sucks to know they sell for 7.99, and i have to pay 56 shipping > hah
  9. This is honestly one of the coolest things I've ever seen done. Seriously bomb dad I love seein the minis.
  10. awesome thanks
  11. Im not sure if its just my eyes - but on the top of the cylinder - in the on screen shot it looks like theres a flat spot, angling up - not sure if its a reflection of light, or just a chip off the front, but i dont see it in your piece Jeff, it seems to just be a perfect half cylinder. I could be just nit-picky
  12. http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html
  13. Anyone have any info on these. Applied to my local garrison (Canadian Garrison) forums, but was denied, so im not sure where to go from here. Help!
  14. Edit: Figured out the answer to my own question Thanks for the response on facebook Voorhees, just read it
  15. ended up finding a red kap in black for a real good deal - cancel the old gostwear one,
  16. ive been doing some searching as well - what do you guys think of the link here in all black? How much modding would be required to make it lancer accurate? http://www.gostwear.com/poly-cotton-coverall-p-40.html
  17. i cant access that link, anything i need to do registry wise?
  18. I saw that you were having a struggle in an earlier thread, I shouldn't have too much trouble, just would prefer to get the right boot the first time, good luck with you hunt mate
  19. Hey guys, Recently ordered a SC kit from Jeff, and while I was waiting i decided to pull together some of the soft parts. Boots seem too be tougher around where i live... Ive checked through a bunch of stores and all the workboots around here are either way off in looks or, unfortunately way off in price. Anyone know a good retailer in Ontario (Barrie or Toronto more specifically) I really made an effort to get a pair of the rustler advantage kmax boots, but they wont ship here. Any advice welcome. Tristan
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