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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Tristancraig

  1. Heavy, what color are the bolts supposed to be, I read it somewhere but now can't find it again.
  2. Hey guys, At the point I'm about to start applying the decals and installing the chin strap, is it attached to the hinge bolts? Any pics would be wonderful
  3. If you're hella patient and careful, a really fine knife blade can get the greeblie off, even with E6k fully dried. Took me a while last night... But it's done 😓
  4. And probably only took the wife like.. An hour of wrapping me up. Hahah good times
  5. Thanks gents! The duct tape mannequin is super easy, 1 Xl roll, and a 5$ Lon sleeved shirt from walmart. Stuffed with old grocery bags for fill. Cheapest project ever stasz!
  6. They were just kinda taped so I could get an idea where the back would sit, there will be a gap for sure once my red kap arrives and I sew up the ol vest. More or less until the red kap is here I'm just gluing up the details and cleaning edges and working holes. It should arrive this week by the tracking. I think I need to open the ear holes a little more. Yah can't really see those well from the photos however. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. Need to do a little clean up on the faceplace - around the edges of the black... Everything else is just slow patient progress.
  8. Crisp on the details. Kinda wish it was cannon.
  9. Little updated shot of it, out of hand - scrutiny? thanks http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c256/tristankenwell/IMG_9463.jpg
  10. You rock Nikko! This is a perfect example for me, I had the same ridge/hump on the right side of my Nose, and was worried to trim it in case t looked funny. This proves it's the right call, the reworked eyes on yours look real nice.
  11. Ahh tousche, I'll set up the tripod when I get home and do some distance shots. As for the wife thing. I think shes outta luck till she buys a shadow trooper kit 😂. Thanks bwatts
  12. Hahha Andry, I think the wife's near ready to kill me for doing just that. For about 4 hours last night after I posted that pic I just shaved minute little bits off, then would make her come look to make sure it matched the on screen shot and I hadn't gone to far any where. Far from done however.
  13. Hey guys, How do these cuts look, and what should i do to improve em. I think they need deeper dips and a higher top side.... hit me Tristan http://websta.me/p/1091650669864256542_44201248
  14. any feedback would be greatly appreciated - i think i need to come up to about the line, and drop the eyes to a sharper dip
  15. http://websta.me/p/1091650669864256542_44201248
  16. Just use a brad bit on your drill and the holes will end up nice and clean without cracking
  17. Yeah it's actually quite easy, and a riveter can be found for about 20$,(and returned after 1 use if it's a Walmart 😂) I have a pretty crap quality riveter, and am a carpenter, so it gets abused but takes a mean beating.
  18. Luckilly you sent me here right away Dan, so I've been researching like crazy. Alotta my questions so many people have already asked. Makes my life easy. I'll try to get my wife to go photo crazy with her new camera, so I can share a little of the build.
  19. yeah man, I'd been scoping his gear for a while, but seeing it go from pieces, to complete on your IG definitely was an eye opener. And Jeffs kit is wicked, having it all in my hands here is just plain old exciting.
  20. Congrats Nikko, beauty get-up
  21. So my wife just sent me a picture from our living room. She's got this big goofy smile, and just over her shoulder is a massive box.... Just arrived from Sir Jeff at Studio Creations. Frikkin tease! All I can say is, 11 year old Tristan just arrived as well. This boys stoked Thanks a tonne Jeff, speedy service. -giddy kid who has to work 3 more hours
  22. i nabbed a set as well.
  23. Right on. Thanks for the feedback, been really trying to find a good sole, would prefer my base start to be the right one, or rally close too.
  24. Exciting stuff, keep goin and keep posting
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