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Everything posted by Bowfanny

  1. Out of curiosity WV what size boot do you wear?
  2. Not that my Google-fu is strong but I found that isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and a paper towel should remove stains from vinyl, the article also said if that doesn't work that a magic eraser and water should be able to do something. But then again reading and doing are two separate things. I've seen a wet black shirt do the same thing to a vinyl tile floor and I didn't bother to try to get it up.
  3. Random thought on the boot.... Peroxide makes sun yellowed things white again(toy TKs have been tested) when something is placed in a jar of it in the sun... Your kit looks amazing by the way WV!
  4. Anyone think of using an open faced Chicago Screw/Screw Post since it looks very much like a rivet when viewed on armor?
  5. The Scout model for the game is actually not that great as far as shape goes but looks amazing when the photographic texture is overlaid over the polys. The scout armor has already been ripped from the game and is posted on facebooks pep library as an unfolded Pepakura. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. If the filament was ABS plastic you can weld the pieces together with acetone, if its PLA plastic your options are slim with CA glue(aka super glue).
  7. I would also be interested in collecting this file if you choose to release it as my other option is scratch building with pepakura.
  8. This tutorial should be put into a book of costum making or at least a pdf compiling the awesomeness! Seriously though you sir are a great inspiration!
  9. I just bought a pair of these Brahma boots for my boot build, I've got the white marine vinyl, thread, the thumb tacks, and the E-6000 and will be using THE tutorial and hopefully have a half decent pair of boots. NegativeEleven are you the same person with that name over on the MMCC?
  10. I'll be using a similar method to your tutorial here and just make it out of duck cloth to save myself the worry of ripping a t-shirt. An added plus is I've been sewing for six years now and can probably have this done in a jiffy but I'll have to get my armor finished first...
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