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Everything posted by Bowfanny

  1. Thank you sir! When In Doubt- Send a Scout!
  2. Any closeup shots of your xacto work on your boots WV(pm if you wanna keep that on the down low)!;D
  3. Gloves finally arrived after a month! When In Doubt- Send a Scout!
  4. Okay I finally got a tracking update! When In Doubt- Send a Scout!
  5. I've messaged Az and he was very nice and got back to me pretty quickly and I've been waiting since the 15th of November because when I ordered mine they were out of stock. Currently I am waiting on some kind of update because the tracking numbers I have that were sent haven't moved from the origin post office since the 12th of this month. I'm being patient beings as there are reports that the area where they are has received at least 20 inches of snow. When In Doubt- Send a Scout!
  6. Just got message back from Az and looks like they've gotten almost 2 feet of snow since Saturday. Also his update said that even with the snow that he's trying to get orders out as quick as he can.(I assume Az is a guy, if I'm wrong someone correct me!) Sent from The Great forests of Endor using Tapatalk
  7. Very well could be! Sent from The Great forests of Endor using Tapatalk
  8. Well from what I can understand there's some pretty severe weather in Colorado right now, mine are stuck in Greeley Colorado right now as well and they might be snowed in. Sent from The Great forests of Endor using Tapatalk
  9. Roger that good sir! Sent from The Great forests of Endor using Tapatalk
  10. I'll double check the first page again but I believe I understand what you're saying. Sent from The Great forests of Endor using Tapatalk
  11. Just ordered a pair of these Texas Steer boots from Kmart online and had a lovely $6 discount so shipped I'll be getting them for about $19. I'm going to experiment with the pair of boots I already have to see if I can do something close enough to what you did here as inspiration. Any advice on the size of the cuts?
  12. I'm a Mando! You can ask me! Lol
  13. Mine shipped out yesterday!
  14. Nah I'll be picking up my sc kit here really soonz Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. I hope you mean 120 yen to the dollar otherwise that's a big conversion! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. What's the conversion rate from yen to dollar where you are? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Just checked Wampa and their gloves might be back in stock.
  18. Awesome! Hope you get it here soon. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. The XLs are currently out of stock Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  20. That totally makes so much sense!
  21. I can vouch for the lighter fabric being a good thing. My Mandalorian costumes is a Dickies coverall in canvas that I wear a canvas plate vest over with a padded neck seal makes for a very warn Bowfanny.
  22. Use Velcro if you plan to be able to wash it so your suede stays nicer longer, or see it and only have it dry cleaned.
  23. I think your cummerbund pouches could come towards center a bit more.
  24. I've hard of snap buttons but I think Velcro would pull off too easily for costume stuff Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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