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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by wookieevader

  1. Just ordered my armor from SC.....woo hoo Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  2. Just ordered mine....oh i cant wait Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  3. There is a tutorial to make your own. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?/topic/12485-Build-Your-Own-Vest...-w/Pictures! Build Your Own Vest... w/Pictures! Give this a look Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  4. while waiting for my armor funds to accumulate I figured to try and do the pouches. I used batninja's template and a old pillowcase. cut it out, did some sewing, and got this...... added some cardboard to form the pouch
  5. can one of the admin please move this to the proper place for a wip?? thank you
  6. I looked at the price for a model kit online......i think they know the scout trooper community uses the piece because the price is jacked way up Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  7. ok so looking through all the threads for the soft parts I see everyone is worried about the bund drooping.....has anybody attached the flak vest to the bund to eliminate the possibility of a gap between them and make the vest hold the bund in place???? im at a loss with the pouches also. I see many templates and buids and im trying to figure it out and not have a ton of wasted material by messing it up, then again I might be overthinking it
  8. I know that modifications are to be made to the Altman's helmet to be lancer but i don't want to change the helmet....maybe i will get a second helmet when i can and make it lancer quality I am at a standstill on everything because i need my armor to make the correct shafts of my boots and i can not make my vest without the chest and shoulders. Hopefully i can get my armor in a couple weeks to continue with my build but while I'm waiting i am still researching the suit. Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  9. That was the same thing i noticed when i ordered the speedglas kit too and i was expecting the grey ones Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  10. I do thanks for the hook up
  11. I just got my Altman helmet today
  12. So my helmet has arrived today and I'm so excited to have another piece of the puzzle........Here are some pictures It's a Altmans Doing the happy dance doing the happy dance Will post more when I can
  13. I'm not telling neener neener neener
  14. Ordered my bucket today.Will post pics when it arrives
  15. I am also in the larger size category and was wondering the same thing
  16. Got my suede being delivered today from Tandy leather. And then the dreaded riding patch. The butt flap should be a simple thing. I have read about the stitching somewhere on how to attach the butt flap but I can't remember where. I am planning on a simple straight stitch to attach it to the under suit and then a zig zag stitch over top to reinforce the attachment.
  17. The gloves are wampa wear gloves
  18. Ok for the shafts of the boots how tall should they be. I know it says just below the knee armor but I don't have any armor yet. I was thinking g about 17 or 18 inches tall from the sole of the boots
  19. Put the rivets from the inside out that should keep it from rubbing on your ankle if you do put them in
  20. I have acquired my flight suit from Amazon. It is a red kap suit. I have removed all the external pockets, stitched closed the front pockets and side access holes. Added a flap to the collar and velcro closure Will add more pictures in am Also working on my boots and have posted a wip in the boot section http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?/topic/13239-before-I-cut....-what-do-you-think????
  21. I'm making my own boots
  22. Where can I post my wip or can I turn my boot build into my wip, If so how do I do it?
  23. I hope mine looks as good when I'm done.
  24. You are probably too close. I had little pinholes in my paint on the entire blaster from being too close and putting it on kinda heavy. Peeled off the old paint, sanded it and cleaned everything up and started all over with painting but this time I am a lot farther away from the blaster and doing several light coats and it seems to be working. I put on one light coats and let it sit almost all day so it's not tacky before I put another light coats on it. In total I have put 4 coats on it in two days.
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