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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by wookieevader

  1. Honestly guys if you can sew its not that hard to make your own for a lot less than ordering from anyone. I made my cummerbund, cod, and pouches myself in a day
  2. I did that for one set of the two i have and they are my warm weather gloves now and the others are unaltered for cold weather. They will fit better once broke in.
  3. I use this http://m.homedepot.com/p/Husky-37-in-Mobile-Job-Box-209261/203668066 Its perfect and it has a removable tool bin for my trooping first aid kit. It holds everything including my helmet and has a keyed lock. I love my travel tote
  4. With your pouches i would line them up with the stitching of the last ribs on the bund so they are right next to the ribs with no gap....bring them in a little more.
  5. Me too....i am thinking of putting some thin foam weather stripping in that area Something like this
  6. You need a time out
  7. You can probably move the forearms down a little more to give you more space too
  8. I don't think anyone uses the wire for the biceps. Get a tube of E6000 and glue them on. Everything else looks ok to me.
  9. The Altmans comes with a chin cup
  10. Look at what i got today Its beautiful
  11. I used cheap tea from walmart. Nothing expensive
  12. I agree. Looks really good. Watch out for trees
  13. Tea is what i used on my boot straps for my snowtrooper. Make a bowl of tea using like 6or7 bags and soak the webbing or fabric for about 45min to a hour. The longer you let them soak the darker they get. Then let them soak in cold water for the same time. Hang up to dry overnight and they are done
  14. I have extra elastic for the tops of the knees if you want some i can send you a yard just shoot me a pm with your address
  15. I see a couple things besides the pouches. The gap between the front and back armor at the top needs fabric covering it. And the belt should sit up a little bit more on the bottom of the cummerbund. The right arm forearm can come down a little more to match the left arm. Other than that looking good
  16. Let the fun begin
  17. SC is probably your best bet. It comes with all the armor stuff you will need in a rather nicely packed box. If you can sew then you can save some money and time waiting for the soft parts to be made and delivered. Have you looked at panda troopers build.....its like a excellent instructional thread on how most of the scouts do the armor build. Here is the link to that http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?/topic/9781-Pandatrooper's-SC-Biker-Scout-build Pandatrooper's SC Biker Scout build Plus the gys and girls here will help you with all of your questions about anything you need. Just ask. Good luck on your build and lets fix the lack of scout troopers in South Dakota
  18. Or walmart Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  19. Me too. Sounds great. Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
  20. Stay away from starfortress.....bad news and its overpriced and in no way accurate. If you have purchased something i would suggest sending it back and going with one of the recommended vendors here. I cant find the post about them if another trooper can help out please jump in Sent from my LGLS990 using Tapatalk
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