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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Thankya thankya
  2. I had to take a couple days off from my build, as it was my birthday/St. Patty's festivities. Now that I've sufficient recuperation, I was able to take care of a couple things: Thermal Det assembled. I used jello shot cups that just happened to be about to secure the endcaps. My blaster showed up today from Hole in the Ground Productions. I'm very happy with it. Looks great, practically no air bubbles, crisp lines. Here's the raw blaster. I've since applied primer and a coat of metallic aluminum before the matte black. Also got my holster on, tank greebs gluing, and thigh boxes trimmed up. Productive day!
  3. Good eye, Marcel. I had the calf parts wrong when I took that pic. I ended up switching them a while back. Also got my holster on today.
  4. Hang in there, brother! Things are looking good
  5. Thanks Lou! You are truly the man. I love that lid. Sometimes I put it on when I'm just chilling South, a Rangers fan, eh? Well, that's better than Houston at least and thanks for the Velcro tip! Looks like another trip to ol' JoAnn's for this guy.
  6. What did you use to fill it in? I've got to do that too...
  7. Thanks for the heads up, South! I was a little concerned with the bund length in the last pic, but I actually had it pulled down to just barely under the lip of the chest plate because I noticed it peeking out above the chest/back straps. I'm 6', and all torso, so even with it tugged down a bit, the bottom was still a good 1.5" above my hips. Some fine tuning might get me there once I can gauge it off the belt. If not, tweaking the bund doesn't sound like much of an issue. Thanks for the instruction, brother!
  8. Thanks everybody! Getting a little closer every day. Gonna try to finish up the belt tonight/tomorrow. That pesky job keeps getting in the way of things.
  9. EXCELLENT trick with the laser. Brilliant!
  10. I would probably veer off the road if you cruised past me in your gear! That would truly be a sight Looks great, sir!
  11. Yeah, mine's about the same. Like, if I made a yawn face, you'd see my chinny chin chin. But with the balaclava and the collar up it's practically invisible.
  12. I had a major sleeve bunching issue that Chef helped me sort out by describing taking in the sleeves. The inset pic is "before". Thanks again for the great tip, Chef! Once I got that buttoned up, I got at my belt which had been confounding me. I was really nervous going at the buckle slits with a blade. Couldn't find a comfortable way to get in there, so I drilled a bunch of small holes around the perimeter of the indent, and then connected the dots and cleaned it up with an oval half round file and 220. How does this tank topper placement look? I measured the tank at 7.5", and centered the greeb, but I wasn't 100% on the distance from the back (flat) edge of the tank. Hey, there handsome fella...
  13. Made Chef's suggested alteration. Worked like a charm! I'll post a pic in my WIP. Thanks a million!
  14. The KS I got from Darth fits me really well. I had to cut down the foam padding though, as I ran into the same chin issue. FWIW, I wear a 7 1/8 fitted baseball hat.
  15. Thanks, Chef! That's what I was thinking - basically what I did to the legs... snaps or the like would probably be over-engineering it Doesn't seem like too big of a deal. I'll try to knock that out this afternoon after work.
  16. I just got done with all the straps for the shoulders, biceps, and forearms, and threw everything on to see what needs tweaking. My redkap suit sleeves look like hell. Bunched up, poofy around the elastic, etc. I think I'll have to take the sleeves in some - which I'm not opposed to doing, but I was also thinking about something like a snap at the wrist and maybe up by the elbow to help snug up some of the loose material. Just wondered of anyone has run into this and how you addressed it. Thanks!
  17. Thanks, Francisco! Grasshoppa has had to learn great patience... I can't wait either, dude
  18. Did a quick test fit of the chest/back straps. I'm Gonna have to practice getting suited up. What a contortionist act! It was a pretty awesome feeling having even just this much on And now a little bit of shoulder bell shaping Panda-Style. I used THXboy's play-doh tub trick for the curve. Thanks!
  19. Nice! I might have to snag a pair of those. I have enough vinyl left over from my initial boots to do another pair and want to try a more accurate base boot. May I ask what the cost was? Heel carving came out very nice as well!
  20. Dang, Lou. This looks sharp! The black really makes the lines pop on the faceplate. Is it going to stay matte? It's rad.
  21. Link doesn't work :/ Go into the helmet forum and search "NI helmet" - use the quotation marks. You'll get some good threads discussing the NI.
  22. I asked the same question when I stumbled upon the NI during my helmet hunt. The general consensus is that lacks in the accuracy department, and a much nicer lid can be had for the same amount of loot. Here's a link to some NI related posts: http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?app=core&module=search&do=search&fromMainBar=1 One of the things that really put me off the NI is the janky indents on the back of the helmet, and the way the visor joins the face plate in the lower "cheek" area looks weird to me.
  23. Congrats, Brother! Wear it proudly!
  24. I made inserts for my pouches from some foam board I had laying around. Measured it out, scored through the backing paper and origamied it into a box shape It's super light, holds the shape well, and the pouches are still functional.
  25. Knocked out a couple more things before I leave for work. I wanted the biceps to have more of a "C" shape rather than a "U", so I went slow and low with the heat gun. I was hesitant and may have under done it. We'll see if the shape held tonight. Better safe than sorry. After that, I glued in the TBits (which were already scuff sanded - nice!)
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