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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Giddyup! Well done, Staff!
  2. Oops. Can someone move this to a more appropriate section? Maybe General Discussion or Armor/Helmets?
  3. Posted by RS Propmasters on Facebook this morning: "Wow, the last of our dickey Beer Helmets are now complete. These have been a project and a half. I am really happy to complete the run. Now it is done we may consider offering a few kits. If anyone is interested in a kit please drop me an email to studio@rspropmasters.com with Scout Kit in the subject line."
  4. I don't think it looks too bad at all, but second checking with your GML. My bucket was slightly yellowed and it drove me nuts compared to my armor so I repainted it. I posted a couple years back about that retr-o-brite peroxide concoction people use to un-yellow old PCs, game consoles, etc. I tried that on my bucket with some success, and used it on old stormtrooper figures and it worked great. Might be quite a project for a whole kit, but it's an option too.
  5. Here's a link to a fantastic .pdf tutorial on modding a Rubies Scout bucket -very similar to your Don Post in most respects. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://website.lineone.net/~hollis_wood/trooper/avatar/TB-RubiesMod.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwi2gaaVkfjUAhWKOiYKHUolAkMQFghSMAw&usg=AFQjCNGwXqXmZ8chU7YrfBlkopuVDXfspw Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk
  6. What 007 said! The pinstripe stickers are fairly low tack, so it's easy to repetition if necessary. Not sure which kit you have, but the SC tank has a very faint indent where the stripes should go. Somewhere on the boards here, some ambitious trooper used a laser level. Pretty slick!
  7. RedKap action back coveralls from Amazon. $25-30. That's what most of us use for a base. It'll take some minor modifications, but the WW suit needs the almost all the same mods: suede riding patches and mud flap, thigh bands...
  8. NO armor is "501st approved". It sends up a red flag to me when a seller uses that particular phrase. There are however several makers whose armor has been consistently approved when finished to the standard set for in the costume reference library. A better way to think about it is "Approvable". I agree, it looks like recast SC armor.
  9. E6000. Scuff sand both surfaces, apply glue to both pieces, wait a minute, place and clamp for 24 hours. Rock solid, but you could get it off if you needed to down the road. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  10. Have a read through the soft armor forum for mucho discussion on materials for the bund, pouches, the tshirt-to-vest tutorial, etc. mypilotstore is just about the only place I've seen a kid's flight suit that looked more realistic than the "Top Gun" style pilot Halloween costumes. And the only place I've seen kid's doors in black. For your suit, if mypilotstore has something comparable price wise to the RedKap action back coverall go for it, but you can't beat those RedKaps for under $30 on Amazon. There are a few vendors here who make great suits ready to go with the mods. They're considerably more expensive, but ready to wear. The modifications themselves aren't super difficult and don't really require more than rudimentary sewing ability. There was a discussion somewhere last year about what order people put their gear on, tricks, etc. Maybe in the General Discussion forum or the hard armor forum? I don't recall. But it's here somewhere! Strapping info, etc can be found in the hard armor forum. I assure you this costume is easier and faster to put on than a TK. Good luck with your project! Keep us posted. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  11. Sounds like you're off on the right foot already! Doing some research, set a very attainable deadline, asking the questions... For me, when I started my scout I had never done anything like this before. It wasn't so long ago that I've forgotten how overwhelming it can be... So to answer your question, I find a great place to start was building my boots. Got me in the mindset of working with unfamiliar materials, trial and error with different types of tools and different approaches... And if I screwed something up beyond repair I wouldn't be out a ton of money (luckily, I didn't). I ended up really enjoying making the boots and it was a huge confidence booster when the other parts started coming in. There's a great tutorial pinned in the boot forum. Almost everyone who's made theirs has at the very least used it as a reference, if not the "boot bible". So, that's what I would recommend as a good starting point. And it's a great way to get things under way while though might be saving up for armor or waiting for something to ship. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  12. Howdy Trooper, I'm the GLG GML. Our Scout ranks are growing! Soon we'll be able to give the Snowies a run for their money Feel free to give me a shout if you have any questions. Lots of great info on the boards here, and a friendly, helpful bunch of folks. If you're on Facebook, I can add you to our Advance Recon Team group, the Great Lakes Garrison MI.S.T. Good luck, looking forward to following your project! Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
  13. I left mine in, but ripped out the speed lace hooks and loosely knotted them. After heating and stretching the vinyl you could definitely see the outline but now that my boys have been trooped in for a couple years it's barely noticeable. Boots were brand spankin new here:
  14. Funny you should mention the old toy. I just found this at my folks' the other day going through some old pictures Good luck on your project. Read, read, read! And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
  15. Hello Julie! Welcome to bs.n! "Which vendor..." is going to depend on a lot of things: your body type, budget, time frame, skill level... I see you're in Texas and the two makers you mentioned are in the states as well. SC has proven to make approvable armor over and again. WTF's scout is brand spankin' new. I believe there is only one approved WTF kit in the Legion so far, but others are working on them. WTF is a reputable maker of quality gear. There are a few others, some over seas but shouldn't be discounted if your budget and time frame allow. Chef's Creations, Altmann, and a few others. I highly recommend spending time here perusing the boards before buying a kit. You'll find lots of discussion on makers and their wares. It's unlikely you've a question that hasn't been asked before. If you haven't, I also recommend signing up on the forums of the Star Garrison @ https://www.stargarrison.com You may have troopers near you who can assist your build, or catch an event where you could A/B different armor in person. Good luck with your project!
  16. On mine, the plastic nuts on the inside slip against the plastic threaded bolt if you tighten them down much past finger tight. I wrapped the bolt a few times with Teflon tape (pipe tape, thread tape) and that snugged it up perfectly.
  17. Depending on how old it is, you might need to swap out the snout greeblie. I heard they have a better one lately but the old one is way off. This is what I'll call the old one (needs replacing): And this is what it should look like:
  18. Well that's really good to hear! I stand corrected.
  19. Buyer beware. Consensus with this seller is it can be nice stuff if you ever get it. If it fits...
  20. Looks like a lousy SC recast.
  21. Actually, what SC says is that their armor has been consistently approved when finished to the 501st standard. NOTHING is "501st Approved" and I would be wary of anything that claims to be. A much better way to think of it is "approvable". That being said, SC is absolutely approvable. Quality stuff, great service.
  22. That's a good call, Chef. I think there's plenty of meat on the inner ear edge to just cut straight down and get rid of that knick. May have to do the same on the other ear to keep it symmetrical, but that would be a pretty easy fix. Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk
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