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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by stasz

  1. Why I oughta...
  2. Looking Sharp! Is the black around the snout on your lid stock or did you redo it? It's very clean! Not too far off now...
  3. Awesome! I would've been pooping my pants cutting up an LW, but you gots the skills, Lou! Keep us posted!
  4. Contact Spike right here on bs.n. There is a thread in the trade forum, but you'll need 5 posts before you can visit that thread. Good luck with your build!
  5. 5/32" dia rivets/rivet gun if you don't have one, and washers.
  6. ^^^ I second that emotion. For our purposes, unless it's definitively found otherwise, the crop top style is the way to go.
  7. Except the boots. Think of the boots as outside over inside. You don't want both boot closures going the same direction. *Just for clarity
  8. I don't believe that the length of the Velcro closure is a spec, per sé, but I obviously defer to a Lancer on this. Looks good though!
  9. And if you're tall, go for the long
  10. You will never not grin and you'll always be excited to suit up It's pretty much my favorite thing ever.
  11. Bells, bund and your thigh boxes could come up a few inches. Minor tweaks. Looking really good. Well done!
  12. Is that ear black an alternative to painting the whole inside of the bucket black, or does it serve another purpose?
  13. I wondered that myself, but in following the tutorial I discovered that once you stitch in the ribbing lines, it tightens the material around the batting which seems to "show through" very faintly, which does give the appearance of two different materials for the sleeves and body.
  14. Looks killer! Great job, mate.
  15. Had this posted in similar discussion a while back:
  16. Looking good! Exciting, isn't it?
  17. I second (third ?) SC. They're sort of the go-to. Great stuff, fair price, great customer service. There are odd armors that pop up on eBay and etsy as well. I would recommend checking in on the forum here before pulling the trigger on one of those...
  18. Looks good! Might pull the bicep armor up just a bit, but that may be more to do with shorter arms. It looks like you trimmed some off the shoulder bells already?
  19. Looks fantastic!
  20. Congrats, Trooper. Well done! Glad to have you aboard!
  21. It's probably in the threads above ...But I remember reading just go ahead and wash it. If anything it "breaks in" the suede a bit and gives it a nice, lived in look.
  22. There are two actual pockets and two "slash" pockets that let you reach inside the suit. They can be sewn or Velcroed closed or left as is if they can't be seen. As for the collar, patch, and elastic here are a few pictures. The CRL is a good reference as well. Collar mod - you can use one of the butt pockets to make the flap closure Riding patch - real suede for Lancer, faux suede is acceptable for basic clearance. The elastic is sewn under the edges of the patch in front and back. The mudflap - real suede for Lancer, faux suede acceptable for basic - is just attached (Velcro or sewn) just above your back side And here's a link to the CRL: http://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TB_Scout_trooper
  23. I know it's been discussed, but I can't say for certain that anyone has pulled off a practical way to do it. Problem is that they will lay up against your thighs so accessing anything inside them would likely require taking your belt off. I think most of us utilize the belly pouches for goodies like trading cards, or phone, keys, etc. I made foam board inserts that give the pouches shape, but are still open for my speaker and usually my phone. As long as it didn't alter the exterior look of the boxes (rivets, screws, or anything poking out behind or beneath them) or alter the way they lay/hang then it shouldn't impact approval. I'd love to see what you come up with!
  24. That's precisely why I discourage being drawn in by "501st Approved" or "Lancer Approved". Whether on eBay, etsy, or even trade forums. "Lancer Spec" is one thing, but "Lancer Approved" is up to the Team. Are there makers whose work has been approved - even consistently? Absolutely. But it's important to remember that ultimately it's the final fit and finish of the costume - On The Applicant - that makes or breaks approval.
  25. Looking killer, Retro! Can't wait to see how the returns come out!
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