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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Thxboy

  1. Hey all, So after doing some research I've made a couple of decisions and I'm on my way towards building a biker scout. My only costume right now is my ESB Vader which took 4 years to get done. I don't think the TB will take as long. I still could use some advice so please feel free to weigh in. I'm 6'3" and about 220lbs. Helmet: CB (ordered) Armor: SC (received) Gloves: Wampa (received) Flight suit: CB (ordered) Flak Vest: CB (ordered) Cummerbund: TBD Cod: TBD (thinking about making the bund and cod separate pieces so I could sit easier) Boots: TBD Holdout Blaster: Hyperfirm (received) Any advice or suggestions is welcome. Updates to follow!
  2. Any one know hot to reach LW to get on the list? Tried to PM and it wouldn't let a message through. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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