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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Thxboy

  1. Been a while since I've had an update but fear not! I've been busy. Cora grew and I need to sew up a shim for her cumberbund. Need to also find gloves and finish her boots. Great kit Walt!
  2. Looking good!
  3. Certainly possible. Part of the conversation replay I got the sense they are taking care of 6+ scouts and they were adamant that they don't have one with a two piece system. That doesn't preclude their being a special version form some key scenes. A stunt version perhaps? I had a similar question about Vader pants and they commented that one-offs were done sometimes if there was a long shooting day and the actor required some special consideration. Again, this comment was In the context of a Vader discussion not a scout but the logic would hold true.
  4. Yup. I agree with people that some of the screen caps and the new costume book "suggest" two separate pieces and Gino has said "they are absolutely two pieces" in his full size scout thread several times. I just find it very hard to now believe this info since we had 4 people who work with these costumes every day say to us "nope. single piece". I can't imagine there is a reason they would mislead us. Hell, we just made them honorary members of the Legion!
  5. Ok, so no trying to start trouble and I'm sure Gino will chime in BUT... Friday we had the great opportunity to meet and speak with members of the LFL archives team who were responsible for the new costuming book. I was not able to attend due to a prior commitment but I had a garrison buddy ask the ever important "two piece" cod and bund question. The answer (to my surprise) was no, the cod and bund are one piece. There seems to be a lot of evidence suggesting the separate pieces but it was a very definite answer these are the same people who handle these props on a regular basis. Other interesting information. The latex and foam rubber pieces in the archives (like Bossk, Greedo) have not fared well. They have an outside expert come in to arrest the deterioration process often but it's a losing battle. They have many scouts on hand (6+ full costumes). Got my book signed by three of the contributors.
  6. One more for ya!
  7. H. E. L. L. YAH!
  8. Lol. Being a badass is fun.
  9. I used Velcro on both my chin cup strap (black) and another little piece underneath. Hook side on the helmet and loop on the face mask. This keeps the seam nice and tight when closed. The hook on the chin strap flows all the way through to the inside where there is loop on the inside of the helmet. This makes the chin strap length adjustable. As far as keeping it open I have no problems with my CB staying open. Maybe the bolts aren't tight enough on the inside?
  10. Great idea! I may mod mine that way too.
  11. Nice work!
  12. Just got the word. Basic approval done! I'm a scout finally!!!
  13. Awesome Walt! Let me know when you have the holster ready and I'll order it up!
  14. I ordered Cora the black flight suit from mypilotstore.com. I spoke with them about measurements and she is a medium.
  15. The biceps? Yes totally agree
  16. I love it! Christian does nice work. I'm a Vader sized fellow (6'3" in bare feet) and I think the proportions came out fantastic. It's built beautifully and I had the most minimal of prep,work to,do before I painted it up. Christian sends it sanded, filled and primered. All I did was sand a couple of rough spots and work out a couple pin holes. Paint laid up great. Christian gave me excellent advice on how best to tackle it and I'm very glad I did it myself. My only criticism is that the snout aerator greeblie is a bit rough and not as detailed as it could be and I'm being picky at that. Construction is a light fiberglass. It really doesn't weigh much at all. If you do order a CB be prepared for a brutal shipping experience. Getting stuff from Bolivia is tricky. The air freight company sent my order back once and it had to be resent before it showed up in U.S. customs. Christian was very good about communication though and the poor guy had to head over to his post office probably a dozen times trying to figure out what was going on. Eventually he got it all sorted and we had a nice celebration when the package showed on US soil. Someone has a he great size comparison and I believe the KS was a smaller bucket. If you're a big guy you want the CB for sure.
  17. Thanks Joe! Will do. I agree. I just have really long arms and I had a hard time figuring out where the right spot was.
  18. Ok, here is my first full suit up! List of things I need to do, but I think these are mostly Lancer requirements. 1. Bund boxes need to be re-done. 2. Cod piece needs to be redone 3. Soles of boots need to be cut into correct pattern 4. Snout greeblie might have to be replaced. 5. Re-align bars on back of bucket 6. Move in boxes closer together. BOOM-SHACKALACKA!
  19. Happy happy day!!! Painting is done! Just need to attach the snout.
  20. Happy day! CB helmet and softparts are here. Helmet is gorgeous. Hopefully I get it painted up this weekend. If I do I'm ready to submit next week!
  21. I think the elastic would possibly rip or tear sooner than the armor would break. I followed Pandatrooper's tutorial closely and I think he has reinforcement for rivets but not elastic and velcro. To much give for those things. I would love to see what you come up with though if it concerns you. It's your armor and you can do what you want!
  22. It's working "ok". I think I'm going to sew 1" elastic straps instead of the nylon to get more purchase on the calves. The beuty of using the snap method is I can swap it out and try different things easily.
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