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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Soundwave

  1. D'oh! Stupid links not working. Let me see if I can find my log in for ze fotobuckest Edit : Signed up for new account. Ain't nobody got time to recover password and all tnat mess. I gots Ewoks to locate and catch!
  2. http://instagram.com/p/meTwpTMiC2/ ...Seeking more opinions.... Maybe showing off my mad skills a little... If you have feedback, please feel free to throw it my way...Please? And Thanks. [PLEASE IGNORE THE LINK BELOW THIS LINE. I CAN NOT GET IT TO DELETE, AND THE ATTACHMENT DID NOT WORK. THANKS] Weathering.htm
  3. Luckily, I remembered that my tattoo artist is also very good with spray paint art, so he's supposed to help me out with some paint "weathering" for the suit. Does anyone else have any ideas/input (JOHNNY 5 NEED INPUT) on this topic? Thanks!
  4. Yes, Listen to Chex you should. PandaTrooper inspired quite a bit on my build... But I'm nowhere even close to being on his skill level. I'm lucky if I get a snap-together model together, in all honesty... But anything any of us can help with, You don't have to beg. Just throw a note up and ask. Or, send someone a PM. Feel free to throw me a few, if you want. I am by no means an expert, But I can and will try to help you any way I can. I mean... Seeing as how we're both tied to Cybertron. Might'as well stick together. Right?
  5. I used 3mm rivets. also, you may want to pick up some washers. For added support, use washers on both sides of what you are riveting in hidden areas. I also used superglue in some parts, and ABS apoxy for some... Sandpaper - both rough and fine grain. LOTS of velcro - White and black from wal-mart. I bought at least 10 boxes total... 5 white, 5 black industrial strength. I also suggest meeting up with someone local and taking a good, long look at their armor. Brainstorm and talk out what worked for them, and what didn't. It's a learning process for everyone. So, don't be afraid to go your own route... Just make sure you know what you are doing, and what has worked for others in case of an emergency.
  6. I ended up getting some grass and weathering my Boots, Knee pads and Lower arm armor this past weekend like I'd been crawling around for sniper purposes... I just can't think of a reason or way to weather the T Bit sections, and chest...
  7. Ok, I'm not gonna lie, It's pretty cool seeing someone else do some of the work for me on my build. ... Not that I have not had help already... But this is just awesome.
  8. Hit 'em up on facebook by sending them a personal message. You should get a reply within like... 3 days, maybe. Try that and see if they immediately send you an email like they did me. The info to contact them is out there, and I'm sure they'd like to have a positive reputatioon when it comes to the people that buy from them...
  9. Well, Apparently getting ahold of them on facebook and email worked. I got a message on facebook saying that they are sorry, and that I should be getting an email from Brenda soon... I immediately had an email from Brenda reading : Hello Timothy and thank you for writing, Your order will ship the middle of April so that it arrives in time for your event in May. I hope this helps. Thank you for your business and have a pleasant weekend. Sincerely, Brenda Maple, ... So, needless to say, I'm somewhat impressed.
  10. ...Because I'm flippin 12 years old (Not really) .... That's what she said.
  11. ...Things I wish I knew in Hindsight. :/
  12. Yeah, I went with KS because they assembled the kit for you. I had heard good things about them, and saw some of their work. I ordered back on V-Day, which is now like... A month and a half. I have heard that some troopers ended up getting them at the 3 month mark. I'm just ... a little more than annoyed at the lack of reply via email or facebook. Anyone I talk to from here on out, I'm going to suggest they NOT use KS. I am not impressed with them at all. On the other hand, I feel like we could build a church out of what Jeff and SC does... They are that dang good. I would have bought my bucket from them if they offered it assembled.
  13. As of right now, I'd suggest Going with SC for the armor and the bucket. You'll have to assmble all of it... But it's pretty much worth it. As you can see below, I ordered a bucket from KS... They are not responsive to Customer service, and a lot of peeps here have said that the quality of they work has come out a little lackluster lately. I wish I'd known before I ordered... But I didn't see any warning signs. Alas, My suggestion is just go with SC. Jeff is a great guy from what I've heard and his customer service is top notch. He sends you just about everything you'll need armor wise... You may just need to purchase some additional velcro, and elastics. (Different size elastics for lancer) You'll also need some ABS apoxy, a riveter, some clamps, some sandpaper, and a cutting tool. That should take care of your armor, I think... Maybe a drimmel or simliar cutting tool. And.. I'll stop there. As for the boots, I'd contact marcel. He makes them to lancer spec, and is semi-local to you, unless you are old school and have a grudge against the English.. I'm sure you french can hold a grudge.... I dunno. Maybe that's all history now. As for a blaster, Seek out Negative Eleven. He does a rubber/resin blaster for a budget. I've just paid for one from him, and got it because I'm in a hurry to get my gear and get trooping. Other than that... You are just needing the soft goods. And I dunno where you'd look to get those. I'm sure someone across the pond there makes/sells them. Anyways.... Good luck. If there's anything else I can help with, or whatever, please feel free to contact me, or anyone else here for that matter. So far I have not met a Scout that I didn't like.
  14. Looks like those knee pads are the older mold from SC, if it is a recast from them... But I'm also inclined to suggest that it's a recast from SC. I can't say with 100% certainty... So, I am assuming... But still. EDIT : That holster probably won't hold much of anything. Much less a blaster. And you're still going to be seeking out greebles, and the rest of the TD, and elastics, and velcros, and the lens from the bucket, and.... How much are they charging for it? What is your budget? EDIT 2 : Holy Wicket! That looks like crap. No pride at all in that work. And the TK is wearing crocs. Like... For real? Yeah, man... Stay away from that. Please. Just the idea of you wearing it makes me sad.
  15. Yeah, to quote Sweet Brown... (Just in order to meet my deadline) ... Ain't nobody got time fo' dat.
  16. What all is left to do when you get the bucket in? What kind of additional purchases and expenses are we looking at? Or is it just best for me to suck it up and accept that I won't be trooping in May?
  17. OK, so maybe I'm getting a wee bit impatient, or weary of the seller because of where I ordered from... But, I have inquired at other places about a bucket... And I'm hoping to have one by May1st at least. Would anyone be able to make a suggestion? I mean, other than seeking out someone already with one selling it used? The bucket and the soft goods are the only *needed parts for a troop that I'm needing... So, I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas, or comments. Thanks, troopers.
  18. EDIT : Ignore me. I figured it out. My bad.
  19. Congrats, Sir! Good on ya!
  20. Yeah, I'm thinking Velcro will be the choice all the way, except for on the bucket... And it will just be minimal. Thanks, guys! It is greatly appreciated!
  21. tried the snaps, thing... I don't know if I just don't know how to use the snapper doohickie, or what, But I Could not get the thing to work. That's why I figured I'd try magnets. I think I saw that PandaTrooper used snaps... I'm just not appearing to be near as lucky with them. Then again, I've never done anything like this before. The last time I assembled a model car, I think I was 9. Maybe my head is just making things more complex. I don't know. Either way... I just thought I'd throw the idea out there and see if anyone thought it would improve the process, or if I was just crazy. Thanks, guys!
  22. Yeah, I wasn't planning on doing away with any of the needed elastic strapping to hold the armor on... I think that what I'm trying to say is I was thinking about using it to fasten. I don't know how to explain it... Like, towards the back of the shoulder armor for example... You'd fasten your elastic with velcro as normal. Then, in a way to assist with ease of getting the armor on with minimal help, you'd use the magnets in the front shoulders. ...Does that make sense? But yeah, I do see what you are saying, Marcel. Sorry if it came across as more confusing than what I meant for it to. And thanks for the input.
  23. Hello All. I'm trying to piece together by build and in all of the overwhelmingness, I don't know if I've had a moment of brilliancy, or insanity... I'm wondering if it'd be possible to omit some of the velcro and elastic strapping to hold the armor on for a more 'clean' look by using high powered magnets adhered to the inside of the armor, and on the inside of the suit pieces... The idea came to me the other night. I'm not sure if I was dreaming, or laying in bed stressing over how to get it all together... So, I wanted to see what everyone thought. I know I'll be removing my velcro from my bucket and adding the magnets there already, because when you close the bucket, you don't know if your velcro is showing on the outside if you lift and lower your visor mid troops... So anyways... What do you think? Good idea or bad idea?
  24. Not to brag, but maybe I just chose a good time to order... I ordered my armor from SC, and got it in about a week or so.
  25. I ordered mine from SC, and it shipped super fast. And from what I've seen as far as problems go, Jeff seems to handle customer service at a top notch level.
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