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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Soundwave

  1. In order to get your KS in time, I would highly suggest noting to them that you have a headline of 10/XX/2014 and would like to have your helmet in time for an event. I think as long as they know that you need/want it by that date, they are more likely to rush it through. A few of us were just anxious to get ours and get started, and didn't want to keep waiting long periods of time. Like, for example... Mickey (above) ordered his helmet before me, and I told them I had a deadline and stayed on them about my helmet. I ended up helping him contact them among a few other users... But in the end, I still got my helmet before Mickey, because I had the deadline, and kept pestering them. So, be prepared for an uphill battle. It's a good bucket. I love mine. They just tend to take their time because I'd like to think they have too many irons in the fire...
  2. Impressive.... Most Impressive.
  3. I want to see it thrown down when fully assembled, and see how it stands up... But yeah... Looking good so far! Nice work, DVH!
  4. No disrespect to the guys above, But .... High powered magnets was something I was going to look into at one time... But I never got past the idea stage. I wrapped enough Elastic through the slots on the armor that I could attach it to itself inside the knee piece creating a circle with velcro. It allows it to be adjustable, and you can tighten as needed. I still used velcro on each end of the elastic... It just isn't attached to the inside of the armor. There are at least a couple more options for you.
  5. As far as i know, Weathering should not have any effect on approval. I think they mostly go by the fit and look of the set on you. And, I'm also willing to bet that whatever weathering you're adding is not anything major that would cause concerns. I mean, That's just based off the idea of weathering while assembling, of course...
  6. Extremely well done, Sir. I can't find a single thing to nit pick over. Good job!!! Good luck! (I doubt you'll need it) =D
  7. Chalk another positive up for Lewis. Thanks again for mine, Lewis. I appreciate it.
  8. Good Job, yo. Well done, Sir.
  9. Gino, I respect the craft and I appreciate the time and energy you guys have put into this... I wish I could have one. Once again, Thanks for sharing, and I appreciate your loyalty to your line of collectibles. If you guys ever choose to produce an affordable prop helmet that is useable for trooping - Made of ABS with no warranty of paint defects, or even a kit, please consider me interested. I'm excited to see what you have planned in the future. I'm just afraid for now, I will have to admire from afar.
  10. No disrespect to Gino or anyone else. I have a friend that works for/with eFx. I have all the respect in the world for them. I just think right now we're not getting along. Much like me and some of the houses or cars I'd like to have. There's only so much you can do.
  11. Not to "pile on"... But... 1) I feel a little talked down to as well, so I agree on that front. 2) I accept your apologies, but it's still the way you have talked about how much better your helmet is than the ones we ALREADY HAVE. Not the ones we WANT. (Please note, I said WANT... Not NEED) 3) I'm not going to lie, When I heard that eFx was making a Scout helmet, I was all over it. Super excited. Then, when I saw the pre-sale price... Not so much. That sparkle and those hopes and joy that I had were gone. I'm not going to say that most of us are simple folk, but we're not all Steve Sansweet, Phillip Wise, J.J. Abrams, or much less George Lucas types with money to just burn on this stuff. And, just as a fan, setting people up with a 2-4 week pre-oder before you set mass sales up is a little short notice for something that high priced. Even Sideshow would allow a bit more time for the pre-order. .... Just sayin'. 4) I've worked in retail. I understand price points. I do. But I also understand mark up for profitability. And while I do not know what your board of directors (or whomever mades the choices on these) decided was a fair price point... They may have miscalculated. granted, I have not priced a fiberglass shower or bath tub lately, But that's a LOT more fiberglass. And, stickers/decals shouldn't be that expensive. And, labor for them based out of where-ever you chose to assemble them... And then you pay your craftspeople who molded the helmet... It shouldn't come out this expensive. At least in my line of thinking. I know I'm missing some steps, but when you look at it like this, for someone who MOLDED a helmet after screen used ones, and did not SCULPT it... I see there is a problem with your price point. And, to be clear, this isn't about JUST the helmet itself. It's about the price. The price seems to be the biggest problem that you need to be reading here from the feedback that you are getting from the people wanting to INVEST in your products. (...Not just BUY, but INVEST) 5) I love your helmet. I'd love to have one. Sincerely. I would. I guess I was just expecting different price points for them, similar to what you've done with your TK helmets. Your buckets look awesome. They are truly beautiful pieces. However, The ones used on screen were ABS, and NOT Fiberglass. This has been documented. So, based on that, just starting right out the gate, it takes away from your level of screen accuracy. That's not to say that it takes anything else away from your helmet, but for you to tout that yours is the best out there, I'm just a simple folk with little extra money and one of those other helmets that you seem to look down on... And, I've just made the biggest observation on the flaw of your new product. ----- I don't have anything to lose here. Like I said before, I'd love to have one... Just not at that price when I already have so much more I can upgrade (not replace). And now.... I'm afraid what I did have as the front of the line for new upgrades, has been pushed to the list of "I wish". Please feel free to do a little research and look at what others are charging for something that looks just as nice from 5 feet away, and re-evaluate. (not being worn and on a stand.) After all of this, I am pretty sure that there will be people still wanting to purchase the various other helmets far before they look at purchasing yours. Your price is what's hurting you the most here. I'm sorry to dose you with reality, but that's the truth. In closing, I will not purchase the helmet at the price point you currently have it at. Thanks for sharing the product, Thanks for the excellence and execution you have put forth into it. It's just not for me. And as someone shopping around, At this time, I'll choose to take my business elsewhere.
  12. For what it's worth, I will still endorse Christian, and buy from him. He hasn't done anything wrong. All this anger directed at him, I feel is misplaced. None of us have ANY control whatsoever about shipping times. You can't control what's mailed next door, much less what's mailed around the world. Guys, crap happens that is always out of our control. I know it's known, but you can't control what will happen anywhere, anytime. Whether you wake up tomorrow, or if your loved ones make it to and from their errands safely. Fates will interfere, and things will happen. You can't make excuses, and you can't get angry about it... It's just life. I feel like all of the packages Christian has mailed were mailed. They will arrive. And while I know this will possibly draw unwanted attention my way, I feel like each of you that has badmouthed Christian and his efforts that were beyond his control will owe the dude an apology when they get what they ordered, if not before. You trusted the guy enough to send him money. Please have patience enough to wait for what you ordered. The guy does not have to do any of this for any of us. He does it to help out. He's a member of this community, and as such, your neighbor and your friend. We are tried by common bonds. And there is no need for hatred over delays. I'm not some kind of tree hugger, or anything, but There are enough problems and drama in the world. We don't need it here. Christian, Thank you for the items you custom made for me, and Thank you for being an upstanding member of this community. May you always be well. If the time comes when I need to, I will purchase from you again and again. To the rest of my brothers here... be well. Also, my apologies to the moderators for going off topic.
  13. I need to work on more sugar and caffeine in the mornings... I swear I just read 'black lube'... Carry on. I'mma go now.
  14. If you use the search function above, look for use Thatthingonthefloor. He suggested a quick flak vest tutorial. So, that might help you on your quest to making your own.
  15. PM Inbound. Once again, My apologies, man.
  16. I was going to say, I wear mine under my KS, but I see that you ordered SC. Still a good call. Either way, it is possible.
  17. I'm not trying to be Captain Obvious here, just checking... But have you tried putting in the tracking number he gave to to the USPS site and see if it pulls any info?
  18. I used BSN member CucBlack. He has a post on the For Sale/Wanted boards. However, he is in Bolivia, I think. So, it may take a couple of weeks. He also does the bund, and I think Helmets now, as well. Overall talented guy. I'd personally suggest if you use him, add an extra couple of inches onto your shoulder and chest measurements. It's easy to take out if you don't need it, not so easy to add if you want it there after you have it in hand.
  19. David, I'll send you a PM when I get home. I'll repeat again here, though... I'd suggest you go through Lewis on a DLT. Do not contact John. You'll be better off in the long run.
  20. Mine are the one from the first link you posted. I don't have any opinion one way or the other about the second link, because I don't know anything about them. Also, I meant to tell you... You can order a helmet from SC, and ask for it assembled if you want. Just my opinion here, but asking for an assembled helmet will save you a lot of headache and time. I bought mine assembled from KS. (thus being why I know so much about getting in contact with them) Because of the fact that I'm not all that crafty, I had to buy a lot of my stuff already assembled. The armor doesn't come assembled, but it's easy enough to do if you read through PandaTrooper's build thread, and have someone to talk things out with. I was fortunate enough to make some great friends here that helped me along the way outside of BSN like Mickey (mlbukowski) and Dylan (EnigmaEngine) . Get to know some of the peeps here. Make friends. They'll help and mentor you through the process. And afterwards, just pay it forward. With you being a teacher and all, that shouldn't be hard to do. Once again, if you need anything, feel free to PM me.
  21. KS facebook : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kropserkel-Prop-Culture/81247484322 The email and the facebook are run by the same person... Brenda. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=633705931&fref=ts .... if you can't get through with them, you can't get any better than Jeff and SC. They are top notch, and have great customer service. You won't find a better, or faster alternative. You won't be disappointed at all.
  22. Send Marcel a PM. I have some of his boots. They are good quality and well made. I had to buy some insoles for them to be comfy, But other than that, no complaints. Seems like I saw something about another worksuit that was close, maybe like... RedCap or something like that was the name of them? They're supposed to be good. Look up Biker Scout gloves on ebay, and Amazon. You may be able to locate some that way. If you email KS, be patient and persistent. Send them a message on facebook, too. Just my personal input here, if you're going to buy from them, stick with a helmet only. Buy armor from SC. If you have any questions that I can further help with, just send me a PM. Take Care, and welcome to BSN!
  23. Any friend of Mickey is a friend of mine... So, Welcome! Have a look around, if you have any questions, feel free to ask, and .... Good luck.
  24. I have some binocs that I'm planning to fix up and use as well with my gear when I get to start using the rifle. And... I'll agree. You do need a rifle. ONE OF US, ONE OF US....
  25. My apologies. I guess I misunderstood. I guess I thought that all Hyperfirms were made by Sci-Fire. In this case, I now have a rifle with SciFire branding from Lewis. I did not go through John, as noted from the previous thread. Thanks for the info, Jim!
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