So apparently I've been bitten by the costuming bug...!
Ever since seeing Return of the Jedi when I was young(er!) I've loved the iconic Biker Scout. As I suffer from arthrits, hard armour was always going to be an issue, but I hope that the minimal plastic on the scout might be doable.
While waiting on yet another set of gloves earlier this year (3rd pair still unsuitable...) for my A'Sharad costume, I impulse bought a boot, bund and pouch set from a Marcel in the U.K. and had them arrive a couple of weeks ago. I've since ordered a set of RedKap overalls off of Amazon and had them arrive yesterday. I've managed to remove all of the external pockets without putting any holes in the suit or myself, which I'm told is a feat in itself! This build will be a lot slower than my previous builds, aiming for a much more slow and steady, detail focused costume, borrowing heavily from the Lancer build threads here! All suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
RedKap Overalls with external pockets removed:
Boots couresy of Marcel:
Pocket was removed and collar has mandarined!:
I had an opportunity to get into everything today and have a look. I think it's ok but the legs may need taking in a bit. I've got some elastic to make stirrups for the bottoms and I think that will help stop the bunching a bit:
Any suggestions and/or feedback will be greatly appreciated!