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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Gruntsky

  1. Completely agree mate
  2. Found this one online as I was having a look around. The Treadspeeder Driver appears to have a new shaped butt plate too
  3. First impressions... This CRL looks to be the TFA FOTK, not the TLJ CRL, which I believe the Treadspeeder TK should be. The helmet 'frown' for one thing, the bucket having the 'teeth' not the plain grid. Biceps and Forearms: Not sure if they are different parts or just the same parts with a different paint job. Bells seem to be the same. Chest: Needs stickers/painted decals on the middle. Belt and Ab section look to be the same as the TLJ FOTK, but the undersuit changes from waist height to the white coloured material. FOTK codpiece looks to be similar as well. I've heard somewhere that the Treadspeeder boots are actually moto X boots, but will need confirmation. Shins and knees appear to be new styles.
  4. Looks like the right glove has a wiring harness/pad of some sort on it, not sure if that will fall under the harness section or the gloves though.
  5. More than happy to see a new Scout CRL! It makes sense that it will be a new costume rather than additions to the standard being that they are in different parts of the universe, Kashyyyk/Endor. Just means more scouts!
  6. I was just interested in seeing all the differences between our standard TB and this one
  7. Definitely no pouches. And yep, ribbing definitely runs around the side of the bund.
  8. Very possibly, yes. The drop boxes look much thinner as well. *edit* On the PC, it's much easier to see that the ribbing runs around the whole side of the bund, yep.
  9. You may be right. Having a closer look, the control box covers where the right pouch should be. Initially I thought the control box was sitting on top of the pouch.
  10. I think the pouches are still there, just covered by the 'generator' unit.
  11. About the 4:00 mark is where the scouts show up.
  12. So I just saw this pop up on Facebook...
  13. Thanks for everything you've done to bring the Pathfinders to the fore of the Legion mate, I'll wear my boots with pride even more so now!
  14. Great work to all involved!
  15. Congrats mate, welcome!
  16. Looking at the size of the tubes, I'd hazard a guess that he will be wire wrapping it
  17. Wow, that's amazing!
  18. Congratulations mate, job well done!
  19. You can also make up ABS paste, or ABS slurry, with acetone and scrap ABS. It forms a permanent bond with ABS and is also great for fixing cracks and gaps.
  20. I'd second what Chopper suggests, Tandy Leather have the hardiest snaps out there. For pouches, I'd also suggest Velcro instead or just sew the pouches to the very top of the cummerbund
  21. Thanks mate, it's a super proud moment for me to be accepted into such esteemed company!
  22. Thanks for your consideration. If there is anything else I can do to help with your decision, please let me know
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