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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by chilledmilk

  1. Ya my head fits fine, just needed to trim
  2. pics not coming up, try posting it through photobucket
  3. http://www.danner.com/boots/tracer-8-mns-tan-pt.html
  4. i have a hat size 7, so like a 22" head. and im thinking i might not fit my helmet. ill know better when i completely shave off all the excess material to the finished state. hope i dont need a flip up visor..
  5. Ya going to get one tonight, i think if i just stockpile the cheap $10 dremmels i can break one without caring as much as a nice one, also learned that Bondo is a pain to work into the visor. think im being to exact. i need to just slop it on and sand down to what i want it to look like.
  6. has anyone worked with a product called Sugru? thinking that I can use that to mold the arch into the boot to give it the proper look, any idea on how others did it? https://sugru.com/ it sticks to anything and everything so once cured it will bend like sole of boot and will help cover spots u go a little ape Sh#% on with the dremil gun. little spray paint and its good as new.
  7. I'll see better tomorrow when I remove all the flash
  8. just got armor and im way over my head now, just busted out the helmet and starting to sand/ bondo/ form the visor to help it fit the helmet better, needing to find a dremel or something to cut flash from underside of helmet so my head can fit..... if not I gota figure out how to do a face/back off mod to my helmet.
  9. I'm liking the way its turning out but maybe after fading and weathering the brown will not be so crisp. looks like a new recruits pouches atleast on the 2 center large pouches
  10. ill send you the link with what I got for fabric camo spray paint. thinking im going to do the same when I get the balls to risk messing them up... they are just so pretty. im thinking loose stenciling with the sprey paint thing and fading the edges to make not so crisphttp://compare.ebay.com/like/230533024038?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar
  11. the CRL? CLR? w/e it is for standards on the kashyyyk trooper seems to be expanding recently so look into that first. other then that, armor is maybe available from K&B when its done and bikerchick when she gets her runs out. soft goods we are kinda in limbo for. but people are working on it. im redoing my gloves this weekend. the cummerbund has a thread out there with measurements on it, thats the best we got right now. ill be tackling that soon myself. for a blaster go to clonetroopers.net and look for woodchuck he does awsome work. just got mine from him, boots are part hard armor part boot. try looking into the standards and maybe repurposing a pair of old tan combat boots that im assuming you own due to your picture. nice base for gloves might be the black leather cold weather dress gloves.
  12. you shamed me into scrapping my old gloves and starting over..... good job. those look nice
  13. ah, ok ya would not have seen that otherwise. thinking id use that to sew the 2 ends of the material together with the same material sewn sideways so it gives the same color but with a definite break to show the lines. need to redo that part of my gloves anyways.
  14. we should be atleast doubling our strength in the next 5 months? 10 from k&b armor and 10 from bikerchick idk what else people have for the parts only kits so maybe almost triple the force we have now.
  15. http://juuchini.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/shut-up-and-take-my-money.jpg
  16. once the armor is done and out to people, then it becomes a rush on who can be the infamous #26 kashyyyk trooper to get 501st approved
  17. Any news on how progress is going?
  18. Looking good, and nice to know someone plays BF3. How old is the armor, I know the new CRL says yellow is not in the paint spec anymore
  19. http://s1336.photobucket.com/albums/o648/chilledmilk/?action=view&current=IMAG0121.jpg pic of my almost done DC-15
  20. Crap... OK I'll figure it out
  21. ok, thx mine are grey ill just throw a extra coat of grey on just to cover and uniformity so awesome gloves are like 90% done
  22. what color are the greebs. the oval stripy thing, grey, white, tanish?
  23. k, i hope to get pics up tonight of glove(s) both have patches on them one has the brown guantlet part on it. then on to pants i think or maybe cummerbund now i have dimensions to go off of. gloves are done! pics incoming when I figure out how
  24. i havent forgotten about making a kashyyyk trooper. just got pwn'd by the realization that i cannot sew. hand sewing gloves together with the patches on i and everything. it sucks so bad. but now heatshock has posted dimensions on cummerbund i can work on that as a break.
  25. ill have to see how it looks, starting to cut & sew stuff tomorrow.
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