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Everything posted by chilledmilk

  1. shouldn't it be upgradable from tier 1 to 2? not scrap whole paint job and do over. like the biker is its just adding details not removing and placing back other
  2. im trying out duck cloth on mine, canvas should be similar
  3. ideas Challenge coins 1 side biker 1 side kashyyyk Official BSN "unofficial headgear" kashyyyk and biker patches on hats. patches. step it up into the field jacket idea with BSN plastered er'where car decals? i got no idea whats beyond the membership door... i need to get cleared just so i can see. i would run but i'm no trooper yet
  4. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showuser=74389 check holle. might be making some still or you can possibly check with grumpy or heatshock. they might have a few leads.
  5. i got a pair off of someone here on BSN let me look
  6. that and on left arm brace i think those troopers are clones of clones. (inception) lazy lucas arts. but im assuming its mostly "battle damage"
  7. http://www.bikerscout.net/forum/uploads/1144987061/med_gallery_1_11_86563.jpg I believe this is where he is getting grey from
  8. Nice detail on holster, making marks like it's been used in and out a lot. Will blaster have the same worn down look on same side? And what's the back story to the big carbon scoring on shoulder
  9. on my pants im thinking of adding velcro to the inside of shin armor and on pants so you cant see the gap from where leg and leg armor meet.
  10. elastic strips? isnt it just webbing, like backpack straps. but grey
  11. look into the way the US does their combat collar on ACU that might be perfect height
  12. looks good, im liking that better then the ascot might have to convert mine.
  13. sry not criticism just pollyscale is no longer in production
  14. we may need to go back and evaluate that idk. you see some battle damage on a few troopers in ep 3. not shinny aluminum but a definite mat steel coler
  15. think it basically goes along the same lines of what is the base material under all this armor. no one knows. only real battle damage people see is boba fett and its metallic under the paint. so thats why.
  16. just a FYI i think the Pollyscale panzer olive green we use is no longer is production but same people make something that is i believe identical testors panzer olivgrun
  17. looks like pollyscale paint line is discontinued but i found this for the green Panzer Olivgrun
  18. going to paint soon. so its basecoat silver/metal then black then khaki or is is black then metal then khaki? im thinkings its the first with masking fluid inbetween.
  19. you can order off of fatheat although i dont think they liked my review. havnt seen it up yet
  20. It's how we will distinguish from the generations of kashyyyk troopers
  21. Ya I'll have to make it on shins where it can be part camo part conveniently placed mud splatter
  22. The nice thing Is now if I do it or not you will always be looking for it
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