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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by bselphfsu282

  1. Looking good man! You'll be along soon. I have a pair of Matt's gloves and they are awesome! Can go wrong with your choice.
  2. I'm in Tampa bay squad with Tim as well. Any time you need help just shoot over a message or if you want a drive come on over. Tim and I built the same kit but got massive amounts of help from the good fellows on here
  3. The lugs on those look a bit slim and I would be worried about cracking the sole. With the time, effort, and paint needed to make either of those right, I would just pony up the 20 bucks and go to Walmart for a cheap pain of work boots with bigger lugs. You need to make the scoop portion and the ones you have are a little too thin. In the long run, you may be able to pass with either of those depending on who approves the costume but in the end they may make you grab another pair. I ended up buying a very basic construction boot and took the dremel to it.
  4. Yeah I had to do that with mine as well.
  5. You most likely won't have an issue with them fitting over the shoe. It will have to be big enough to get your foot through and that should be enough for the top of the boot as well. Remember, measure twice, then cut once. Or in my case, measure 5 times, cut twice, and get saved by bondo.
  6. In what way is your helmet long?
  7. I got grumpy gloves so MUCH easier!
  8. You can hit up clone troopers page. "Heavy" over there makes a decent wooden one for pretty cheap. Not quite as large as woodchucks or as detailed but price was right for me!
  9. Boots look good. Will need a little dremel work but those will work fine.
  10. Are you talking about the forearm armor? The strap actually work great for me with no issues. If you have an issue I would suggest adding Velcro to the shirt and then some sticky back to the forearm armor to make it stay in place. I do use this for my knees which is similar to what my brother does for his snowie. I would not build the knees into knee pads since it would probably lift it off your body a bit much. Now the shoulders, most have used a cheap pair of knees pads to go inside the shoulders. The straps then come under your arms to hold. I did add the T-strap from the top of the chest to also hold on the shoulder bells at the top. With the t strap and the knee pad straps around the arms, it's really not moving. Now the bicep armor is most difficult for me. I added a strap from the bottom of the shoulder that attaches to the biceps to hold them up. I added some padding in there as well which keeps it pretty snug. I will most likely add Velcro as well like the knees, just haven't done it yet.
  11. The straps that are more square and bigger are for the forearm. The smaller straps with the fork looking ends are for the knees The smaller pegs are for your aerator to actually sit on. You need to glue the bigger part to the smaller and then the smaller to the actual helmet. That's what lifts it off the helmet a bit. Some sanding to make it flat and fit is probably needed. The silver cap goes on the sides of the helmet at the visit and ended up painted black. Honestly I could never get those things to work and pain didn't hold. I went to the hardware store and bought a package of mini furniture sliders for a few bucks. They had a 1 inch circle that I used. I ripped out the sticky part first to hide the screws holding on my visor. They were super easy to glue onto the helmet since it was plastic. I would recommend chunking the silver ones and buy the sliders!
  12. Out of all my faults, which there are many, a lack of patience is the worst.
  13. Yes to all. Does not include correct lens unless it has changed recently.
  14. thise look ok but I'm not sure if the sole is thick enough to modify the scoop at the beginning of the heel. I ended up using a pair of work boots from Walmart for 20 bucks. I just made sure the tread was thick enough to modify with my dremel to make the lugs bigger and to add a bugger scoop at the heel.
  15. Be careful of windproof. It will not take dye well. Also, you have to make sure the jacket and the pants are the same material or else the dyes just will not come out the same. The windproof ends up being very very dark and shows a faint stitch lines throughout the material.
  16. Hey Roman, found you on the net. Way to represent to swamp in California!
  17. Congrats!
  18. Looking good bud!
  19. I had the same issue. Took some very light passes with sand paper just to rough up a little but they are still the cleanest looking items of my armor. Everything looks fantastic and congrats
  20. Looks great! You going to weather the gloves? Looks a little clean but could just be the lighting. I really don't see anything else that you would need to change.
  21. Oh yeah, those boots will be fine. Just take a dremel to the arch to give a bit of a rounded edge and you won't have an issue getting passed on that part. I ended up getting a pretty cheap pair of construction boots and they even worked. Only problem with mine is that standing for a long time on a convention floor will cause some back pain.
  22. Weathering and paint pattern looks top notch! Terrific job and will be great to have another in the swamp
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