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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BrewDiver

  1. Yea im going to build my own bucket since this is becomming a hobby like brewing my own beer lol i just wasent sure what the skinny was on these helmets
  2. fair enough lol
  3. just ordered it, let the jonesing begin lol
  4. so i was cruising ebay and i ran across this http://www.ebay.com/itm/Star-Wars-Don-Post-Biker-Scout-Trooper-Helmet-Replica-Mask-Rare-HTF-/290658575418?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item43ac99e43a#ht_500wt_997 what do yall think?... worth it?, real?
  5. Might i get a link as well?
  6. so i have been reading FSID for the past month or so and now i have a question... in the breakdown of imperial troopers it states that the E11 blaster is standard issue for all troopers, i understand that TB's use the pistol blaster as far as movie accurate goes but what about scouts? i am in the process of building an E11 blaster for farts and giggles but was wondering if i would be allowed to carry it at non cannon events along with the pistol blaster. thanks yall.
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