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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BrewDiver

  1. i did this the other day, holy cow what a difference, all i need to do now is sew the liner back in.
  2. that is an amazing photo.
  3. i'm a big guy too 6'1 and 260 with a gut (i'm working on it) i use SC armor and bucket the problem i had with the chest and back armor was it felt like it was riding too high since the shoulders pretty much have to meet, so i went and got some ABS plastic like a plastic no parking sign or something to that effect, i measured the width of the front and back parts where the shoulder meets cut a length the same width and glued it on the bottom kind of like this (front --> - _ -<-- back) but plastic, that dropped the chest almost 4 inches so now it fits right, then i covered the gap with bondo and sanded to finish, once i was done i got some small hinges at home depot then cut the middle and added the hinge so now my armor will swing when putting it on, if you want i can take pictures to show you just pm me so i know.
  4. looks pretty good, i would move the pouches inward a few inches, to me they just look too wide (spread apart), the belt should be in line with the bottom of the cummerbund, i'm not sure if it's just me but it looks like the thigh straps are too low, but if you passed clearance than kudos to you.
  5. i did this with mine except i didn't recess the button area, holds tight and looks good, though i might give this a shot.
  6. are there straps on the shoulder bells?, you might have an issue like i did with them "Ballooning" out, i would leave the sleeves alone for now then when you get it back try and take in some of the slack to prevent that.
  7. i took a dremel with a drill bit, penciled my lines then drilled a series of holes, then used an exacto blade to trim it out.
  8. looking good brotha
  9. i would lightly round out the corners on the chest and back armor where the elastic connects at the bottom, and are you wearing a flak vest?, i'm not sure if it's me but i can't see it... other than that looks pretty good.
  10. Snag some 80 and 300 grit from lowes or home depot
  11. looks fantastic
  12. Looking at the face plate it looks like the upper right needs to a little bit higher and slightly sharper with a rounded edge
  13. The weathering inside of the holster is from the gun itself, the story of the carbon mark is thisnone time while training a newbie I was checking out the engine and he started the engine and I got a blast of exhaust lol, I wont be at mega on friday but will be there saturday
  14. the boots don't look as brown in person, and the chest armor doesn't look as bad either.
  15. alright, so i sent in my application along with these pics and was asked to send pictures of the fixed TD, the butt flap, and better pictures on the boots, so now it's the waiting game, i'm hoping to get cleared and get in a few troops so i can march in the SWW parade at disney, tomorrow i will work on the weathering since i got my airbrush in the mail yesterday.
  16. Im gonna take better pictures tomorow in the sunlight and make the suggested fixes.
  17. Yea their there it's just hard to see
  18. i went ahead and submitted to the GML, worst he can say is fix this or that.
  19. yea i dropped the td as i was putting it on and the end cap popped off, i'm not sure why there are extra tags in there, i make sure the IMG tags on the end are the same size (upper, or lower case) iv'e taken out the / in the end tag, and also added the / on the first img tag, other than that i'm not sure what else i can do to aleviate the problem, i will bring up the boxes a little, other than that how does it look?
  20. i will have a few more, after i click on the picture from photobucket, i come back here, go into create post, click on the insert image link, copy the tag from PB into the box, click submit, after this comes up it only shows a small image tag in the main box with a [/img] tag behind it.
  21. it won't let me edit the tags to get them right...
  22. Link to photos: http://i985.photobuc...e338/Swampfox83 EDIT: by Griffin-X; 2nd time.
  23. the belt is a one piece for lancer so yes that is correct, judging from the back shell it looks to me like MC armor.
  24. i run almost this exact fan in my bucket with 9V, it doesn't hurt when i get my beard hairs caught in it, it is a tad loud though, i would go for a bulk battery pack of AA or AAA's mounted in the back of the bucket with one on off switch.
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