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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BrewDiver

  1. keep on them about tracking information, i got an email stating "it will ship this week" well... four weeks later still no bucket, when i emailed em back asking about it (several days and emails later) i got tracking info, and it came the next day, all in all it's an ok helmet but one of the ears is a bad pull, i can salvage it but for what i paid and the wait it should be darn near perfect, i will never order from these clowns again.
  2. i just looked at my KS lid i got the day before yesterday, and noticed the same thing with mine albeit not as bad but it's still there, i don't think i will be purchasing from them again.
  3. i used to live in Clarksburg, i worked as a staff member for the Boy Scout summer camp in Walker WV.
  4. i got all mine at joane fabrics, parkersburg? like parkersburg WV?
  5. i'm so close and i'm just like ARGGHHHH come on! lol
  6. i'm going to take in the legs a bit more this weekend, there is a mud flap it's just hard to see in the picture cause i don't have good lighting, this weekend i will have the wife take pictures in the backyard for better lighting, the vest has been my biggest pain thus far, i think it's a tad too small and getting the sleeves just right drove me to drink heavily that night lol, i still need to add some velcro for the knee armor, and i'm thinking about making the cod piece a bit longer since i'm so darn tall i feel like i have a massive camel toe going on. and thank you for fixing the pictures, i was going to do it today when i got home but it's already done so thank you.
  7. the suit being baggy is because of my size, if i go one size smaller it's too tight or if i stay at this size it's too baggy, so i dunno, i know about the belt sitting above the bund, i just didn't realize it when i was taking the pictures, the vest has been the biggest pain in the rear so far, and i'm thinking about getting one made so i don't have to sew it lol, as far as the straps on the belt i think i will torch the ends and sew them down, but are the boxes sitting at the right height?, thanks for the input as it's what i need.
  8. after a year of on again off again building i think i'm ready for submission, after looking at the pictures it seems i need to lower the back part of the belt to be even with the bund, i am in the process of sewing velcro onto the bund to keep the belt from slipping. ok i have no idea what the heck is going on here
  9. my blaster is from smitty, and fits nicely in the SC it's just a little loose and would fall out whilst walking
  10. i think i'll go with magnets then
  11. not sure if this should go here or in the weapons area, but how do ya'll keep the blaster secured in the holster?, i'm thinking about cutting a strip of vinyl and attaching it to the holster then on the other end either have a snap, or magnet to clip it down so my blaster doesn't fall out.
  12. read, read, read
  13. this is actually what i was thinking, greens and browns for dirt and grass stains, kind of a reddish brown for hydraulic flude from the speeder bike.
  14. ok folks, i know i ask a ton of questions but alot has been on my mind, after getting initial approval can i weather my armor and still be able to troop in cannon events or do they require clean armor only?, i understand with non cannon events but one of my goals is to walk in the disney parade at SWW, so would weathered be ok for that or no?
  15. in my experience with building an SC bucket, i would use the E6000 since if you need to make an adjustment or redo something, it comes off fairly easily.
  16. i do the same with my bund, i can get everything on just fine except tucking the sleeves under the elastic lol, comes with the territory i guess.
  17. gotcha, i figured at an event getting dressed would be a "group" effort if that's the right way to put it lol
  18. how thew heck do y'all get dressed with the flak vest, i cant seem to get the sleeves under the elastic on the shoulder bells without help from the wife... how the heck do y'all do it?
  19. i think i understand, it was more of a thought than anything.
  20. what i'm most curious about is can i get away with just the sleeves or does the whole vest need to be sewn in.
  21. so apparently i cant sew very well, would the ribbed sleeves sewed onto the undersuit pass muster or does it HAVE to be separate, i know for lancer it does but i'm not going for lancer.
  22. i made my belt (SC) how they have the instructions, but i swapped the main buckle in the back with velcro instead, i'm in the process of removing the rivets and using e6000 to make it all one piece for lancer as instructed, dont know if this helps or not.
  23. i'm going to order one i was just wondering what others thought.
  24. these gloves rock... got mine in the mail a few days after purchasing, i'm glad i ordered one size up as they are a little small on me, according to the size chart i needed a large but all he had was extra large, glad i went for it, you can't go wrong with these gloves.
  25. (not sure if this goes here so mods move to where ever you see fit) i'm looking at purchasing another bucket since my first one is somewhat botched and i need a larger helmet for my fairly large dome, i have read that KS buckets are the largest so i like that but i read a thread of people having issues with the pulls being less than quality, this is making me very hesitant to order one, has anybody had any good luck recently with them or...
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