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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by BrewDiver

  1. just thinking to myself, i think a neat idea would be to rough something up every troop ("Deployment") so by the end of a year or so you would have that weathered look. there again i just spent a ton of money and a whole lot of time building my suit, i dont really want to damage it.
  2. that's the way i have always viewed the empire but just returning from a combat mission or something to that effect leaves uniforms and body armor pretty messed up lol.
  3. if i did do something like this i wouldn't crack anything and i don't think i would have all the scratches but i do like the dirt stains, and rough areas that look like he rubbed too hard against a rock or tree.
  4. i thought the same about the lens lol, i'm thinking this might be the way to go and save my bucket, i dont know about cracking the visor but i like the looks with scratches and dents, i think it shows the hardships endured from a long deployment, but then again would busted armor be replaced after a deployment?
  5. i don't like the pauldron but just the general busted look looks awesome to me
  6. i really like this look, would this be aproavable for general clearance? http://i985.photobucket.com/albums/ae338/Swampfox83/bustedtrooper.jpg[/img]"]http://
  7. lol can't argue with that 45 minute drive for me
  8. i meant no offense good sir' just merely pointing out that sometimes location dictates what we can and can't buy.
  9. you're not in BFE florida are ya besides that the website i found em on sold them for 13 dollars plus 5 bucks S/H, i ordered em from someone on here for 15 shipped.
  10. it was cheaper to order from people selling them here then it was to go to the 3M website or some welding site and order em there.
  11. It is a bit lumpy but i plan on weatherimg it a bit so im hoping that will deter from the obvious lumps, the dimple by the ear is where i heated it too much so i was going to make that a blast impact area or something like that, mostely what i was concerbed about wa the general shape more than likely i will order a new one and build it better... Im not going for lancer at first just enough to pass general approval, but critisism is what im looking for.
  12. i have some 3M bolts on order so when those come in i will replace the bolts, i think the ears need to be a bit wider, and im not happy with the visor but it was the best i could do, i'm also thinking about pulling the whole thing apart and building up areas with fiberglass and coat the whole thing with it. once again i cant figure out what the heck i did wrong with the pictures
  13. never thought about using buckles like that on my chest armor... i might have to revise it.
  14. you look to be about the same size as me, there will be a large gap at the top but you can cover it with some extra material.
  15. i like how marks belt is done, for right now i'm just going for general approval, and i will paint the rivets as stated, what about adding some velcro on the bund to help keep the belt from riding up or down?
  16. right, i've got the foam to fill the pouches i just havent done it yet and i got more material for the shoulder joints mabey longer?, and im thinking about changing out the velcro straps holding the shoulder bells for elastic with a velcro end, those T-joints messed me up lol
  17. i have the tank decals and balaclava on order from trooper bay and the gloves from sitharmor on the way too.
  18. *sigh... i feel i suck at computers, i cant even get the pictures to come up
  19. i still need to add the greeblies on the TD and the one for the bicep fell off as i was putting the armor on, ive since added a pair of braces to help hold up the cummerbund and will add velcro, i also have foam to fill the bags, i think i need to redo the covering where the chest and back join together on the shoulder.
  20. well... this is a little disheartening, i was gonna pull the trigger on one of the kits today but...
  21. im hoping to get a start on it this next weekend (busy with school) i am going to start with the assembling of the thermal detonator then cut the holes for the straps.
  22. I clicked.on the image link and pasted the photo link in the box and posted so... I dunno lol
  23. for some reason the search function dosent like me lol i was wondering is there a decal or something to that effect for the pin striping on the tank? i cant seem to find anything about it thanks yall.
  24. why didnt my picture come up?
  25. just got it today and now im giddy like a school girl lol... crap, where to start
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