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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mariellejaworski

  1. alright... I thought about it when I did read your PM Griffin-X, I am waiting with upgrading to lancer status I first want to get approved by 501st before going to upgrade... that is my dream to come in the 501st!!! I am sorry for all the questions, but I am going for standard scout for sure now! later I will for sure go for lancer status!!! I hope you all don't mind... greetings, Marielle
  2. I know it's SC armor, but where can I get the correct knee armor? I only need the knee parts, I am not totally going for lancer, but want a more lancer ''look'' thank you very much for the information! you got the money already from me for the cummerbund and pouches? greetings, Marielle
  3. do you think this ''second strap'' for lancer will be good? in the lancer updat of 2011 there is standing that they have to be 12 mm / 1/2'' and does the strap which is on the knee already have to be smaller? because in the lancer updates there is standing that they have to be 25 mm / 1'', and mine are just a 2 or 3 mm bigger than 25 mm I thought about it, and I want to let my scout have a more ''lancered'' look I am trying to do my very best, I know I can't turn everything of my scout into ''lancer status'' because I don't have very much experiance yet in making costumes..... so... I am only going to try to get a more ''lancered'' look as far as I can (with my experiance and money... (I don't earn much money so yeah...)) I hope to learn a lot about the lancer status, and today I found around 30 pictures of the scouttrooper on screenshots who helped me a lot to change my mind about the lancer thing I will do my best, but more I can't do and on my SC armor, where do I have to place the rivets??? greetings, Marielle
  4. I got 2 second knee straps right now, can someone help me out with the right place where the rivets have to be on the knee? (see picture above!) greetings, Marielle
  5. a question about the ''lancer'' knee parts... this is SC armor, not MonCal greetings, Marielle
  6. alright then I will leave it this way I am not totally going for ''lancer'' status, but I am trying my best as far as I can to change some stuff to get it more accurate
  7. to come back on the knee armor... do you think this ''second strap'' for lancer will be good? in the lancer updat of 2011 there is standing that they have to be 12 mm / 1/2'' and does the strap which is on the knee already have to be smaller? because in the lancer updates there is standing that they have to be 25 mm / 1'', and mine are just a 2 or 3 mm bigger than 25 mm here are some pictures: I thought about it, and I want to let my scout have a more ''lancered'' look I am trying to do my very best, I know I can't turn everything of my scout into ''lancer status'' because I don't have very much experiance yet in making costumes..... so... I am only going to try to get a more ''lancered'' look as far as I can (with my experiance and money... (I don't earn much money so yeah...)) I hope to learn a lot about the lancer status, and today I found around 30 pictures of the scouttrooper on screenshots who helped me a lot to change my mind about the lancer thing I will do my best, but more I can't do greetings, Marielle
  8. oowww man... you right... I hope in this way the boots can pass the 501st to, else I believe I would have to buy new boots :S does someone know how I can change this without having to buy new boots??? :S
  9. thank you for the information and the picture! does everyone sew this on the suit? thank you again for the information
  10. thank you very much Tracy
  11. hello everyone, I need some help with the riding patches. I have pictures and all to see how it looks like and how big it has to be, but I have no clue how I do have to make it on the undersuit..... do I have to sew it on, or something else??? can please someone tell me this in detail??? I seriously don't have a clue on how to make it on the undersuit..... greetings, little treedodger Marielle
  12. I did run out of black elastic yesterday and I have a question, I bought this elastic today (in the picture on the right) and the elastic I used before was this one (in the picture on the left) can I also use my new black elastic to go on with my costume??? won't that give any problems? greetings, Marielle
  13. this is just a little smile hahaha my brother was finding out how the camera did work so on this picture is a little smile because I wanted to explain to him how the camera works hahah and I am very proud at my costume and progress indeed! thank you all so much for helping me out with this!!! you all are great!!!
  14. I am going to get this week some hot glue to put the end caps on the detonator now I am busy with my chest, my back armor and going to start my flightsuit today or tomorrow if I have the time I know... my face is a bit weird on this picture............ greetings, Marielle
  15. thank you very much!!!
  16. would this work??? I do not know if I can get ''official'' with this... (see picture in the post before this one)
  17. thank you very much Griffin-X!!! I just had a little ''bikerscout moment'' this evening hahaha just trying out some of my bikerscout stuff for my costume greetings, little treedoger Marielle
  18. the holster on the boot is also on greetings, Marielle
  19. here is the picture: greetings, Marielle
  20. that's a great idea to, but I already used the double sided tape to raise it up. and I did glue the double sided tape to the detonator and I did glue the sides of the greeblie also to the detonator. you see a very little on the side that there is double sided tape under the greeblie, but hope that wouldn't be a big problem, and if so, how can I make it in a way that the double sided tape is not visible at all??? tomorrow or this evening I will post some pictures of my detonator. in my eyes it looks fine, but I'm no expert so yeah greetings, Marielle
  21. that helps indeed thank you very much!!! I think I will go for the double sided tape, because I have no clue where to find a ABS strip here in the Netherlands... greetings, Marielle
  22. is it maybe a idea to stick some ABS paste or foam under the greeblie to make it fit better and glue it together??? can I get official if I do that??? please, can someone help me out?
  23. flightsuit arrived this weekend I will try to work on it greetings, Marielle
  24. thank you very much I have a question... I have the new detonator greeblies, but it seems that they don't fit on my SC detonator... can someone help me out with this??? please??? greetings, Marielle
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