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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mariellejaworski

  1. @ bernie, take a look around the forum here you find all the information you need. you are from the netherlands just like me and are one of my best buddy's it's me a pleasure to explain you things about the forum and the bikerscout/kashyyyk trooper if need just ask me, you have my phone number greetings, Marielle
  2. can´t wait till I´m done with my scout!!! :D

  3. the bikerscout greeblie on the tank is on and I bought also today some velcro and elastic to make the riding patches and the white fabric to cover the shoulders does anyone know if the elastic (3th picture) is good enough to use for the riding patches? still to do list...: 1. the mudflap 2. the riding patches 3. hide the zipper from my undersuit 4. the regtanggular area on the right breast still needs to be painted medium or dark grey 5. chest and back armor over the shoulder, the gap needs to be covered with a loop of white fabric 6. and the white painted circle and the red line detail still have to be painted 7. black stripe detail has to be put on, on the tank on the back 8. possible rank indicators
  4. at this moment I am busy with the riding patches... I do not have the fabric yet to make it unfortunatly... but I have a question... would this be around the right size for a riding patch of my bikerscout costume? ..... I know..... it's a bit a weird picture, but I had to post it to let you see how it fits me..... greetings, marielle
  5. looks really amazing!!! my only thing I have to say is... the knees, when I wanted to go for lancer (and I have a SC kit to) Marcel told me the knees where not good enough for lancer because the knees need to be on a ''return edge'' like the MonCal armor does have this was Marcel his answer on my knee parts when I tryed it also to go for lancer: ''Unfortunately there are not many endors that supply a knee armour with a correct egde return on them. Moncal does and also one of the UK guys is now molding them, and SC are updating as far as I know, they are not vey expensive to buy so would recomend that route, but at this time I would accept rivits on the side close to the edge as you have pictured but look at screen grabs for correct placement, but as these new knees become more available I will write in the CRL that the rivit must be on a return edge.'' hope this helps you a bit
  6. here is a little list of what I still have to do : need to do still: 1. the mudflap 2. the riding patches 3. hide the zipper from my undersuit 4. the regtanggular area on the right breast still needs to be painted medium or dark grey 5. chest and back armor over the shoulder, the gap needs to be covered with a loop of white fabric 6. on the tank on the back the greeblie still has to be put on 7. and the white painted circle and the red line detail still have to be painted 8. black stripe detail has to be put on, on the tank on the back 9. possible rank indicators
  7. thank you!!! and I still have some foam left to do in the pouches
  8. some pictures just to let you all see what I still have to do need to do still: 1. the mudflap 2. the riding patches 3. hide the zipper from my undersuit 4. the regtanggular area on the right breast still needs to be painted medium or dark grey 5. chest and back armor over the shoulder, the gap needs to be covered with a loop of white fabric 6. on the tank on the back the greeblie still has to be put on 7. and the white painted circle and the red line detail still have to be painted 8. black stripe detail has to be put on, on the tank on the back 9. possible rank indicators please tell me if I do need to do more on this costume before I join the 501st greetings, Marielle
  9. thank you very much here are some pictures of the event of yesterday where I've been to the one with the Darth Vader doll in the pouches is me greetings, Marielle
  10. whooohooo!!! the belt is done!!! AND....... THE BATTLE DAMAGE IS COMING!!!!! greetings, Marielle
  11. here are already 2 pictures I think the belt will be done tomorrow
  12. thank you very much for the info Chex I will make them a little bigger and my belt is also almost done i'll post more pictures tomorrow
  13. the white elastic is on now to
  14. a part of the belt is done (I only need to do the back side still): and my pouches are on to:
  15. alright, I found a good tutorial of the belt on bikerscout.net I am already busy with sewing
  16. hello everyone, I am stuck at the belt part... I seriously do not know how to get the white webbing through the quick release buckle on the belt and the thigh boxes... can someone help me out with this??? greetings, Marielle
  17. no, I don´t have much time to finish my costume..... but I am stuck with the belt also, but this weekend I am gonna take a look with my friends at my costume almost every velcro and elastic that I did get with my armor is to short... so have to buy some new velcro and elastic at the fabric store... and last saturday my bikerscout vest arrived!!!!! greetings, Marielle
  18. the back is on... I hope it's good enough... I have never done something like this before... greetings, Marielle
  19. thank you Jim and Etienne, my foot is healing pretty quick I can walk on it again!
  20. the bikerscout vest from LadySewForUs is shipped to me can't wait till it arrives at the moment I can't do very much on my bikerscout project, I have a injured foot and it really hurts.........
  21. cummerbund and pouches arrived today!!! greetings, Marielle
  22. I did cut out the slots on the thigh boxes to already I need to sand everything still greetings, Marielle
  23. hello everyone, can some one please help me out with this before I do something wrong? I already did cut 2 slots for the 1,5''white webbing as you see on the picture, still need to sand them a bit . but I do not really know how to do the rest of the belt :S can some one please help me with this? greetings, Marielle
  24. I finally found some time to finish the detonator!!! greetings, Marielle
  25. my boots are already a bit ´´dirty´´ hahaha greetings, Marielle
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