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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by mariellejaworski

  1. my sewing machine arrived and I got my new suede that I needed, because the other suede wasn't working out well..... so... this weekend I will with my mom be sewing on my suit and after that is done, I will make my 501st pictures to get hopefully get approved
  2. and the work on the riding patches has started!!! : greetings, Marielle
  3. thank you again for sending them to me!
  4. here is the picture of the suede I bought: and the fabric on the shoulders is on!!! : greetings, marielle
  5. I bought some suede today I found somewhere real suede and some of my garrison said it is good enough to use so, I will post a picture of the suede when I have it at my home so you all can check it out to
  6. bikerscout almost done!!! :D

  7. bikerscout almost done!!! :D

  8. will this black suede be good enough for the riding patches and mudflap??? http://www.stoffen-online.nl/Stoffen_00288/Stoffen_00289/Suede_P01212/VARIATION_04836.aspx
  9. looking good! I still have to do the ridingpatches, so thanks for posting the photo it helps a lot
  10. thank you very much :D
  11. last weekend I was at the Elf Fantasy Fair in arcen in the netherlands at saturday I was walking in my bikerscout costume and let it check by one of my fellow scouts who is a lancer he said the only things I still have to do are:'' the mudflap, the ridingpatches, and the fabric around the shoulder '' here are some pictures of my bikerscout on the EFF greetings, marielle
  12. the white, red and grey details are painted!!! greetings, marielle
  13. you are pretty quick it all looks very good! keep up the good work! and thanks for posting the pictures of the ridingpatches you made! I didn't make the ridingpatches yet, so it's very helpfull for me! thank you very much!
  14. thank you very much
  15. just did put the stripes on the tank of the bikerscout I hope it's good enough, if not, I can do it over, that's really no problem the stripes are exactly 1/8 inch thick greetings, marielle
  16. that would be awesome if you want to do that!!! send you a PM
  17. hiding the zipper is DONE! and this was the closest I could get with the front and the back armor Pandatrooper greetings, marielle
  18. @ shdwtrpr13 you're doing great by asking these great people questions! good luck with your bikerscout build! and if your stuck somewhere, the people of bikerscout.net will always try to help you out! :D
  19. how did you exactly do this? I am stuck at this part a little bit I am still busy with my scout to, this information is very useable!
  20. @ pandatrooper I was thinking the same thing I did not sew it yet, so I'm lucky I will make it shorter as much as I can I have to test fit it, before I am going to sew it, so I will first wait till 15 - 16 september, because then I have a event where I wanted to wear my bikerscout just to get some comments on it and how to fix some parts and such... thanks for letting me know! greetings, marielle
  21. thanks chex!!! today I did sew a little part of the undersuit to hide the zipper it's still in prgress and not done yet, but soon it will greetings, marielle
  22. thank you Pandatrooper!!! and here I am test fitting my white fabric for the bikerscout shoulders before I am going to sew them tomorrow. this looked like the best way to put it around the shoulder for me :
  23. next troop will be the Elf Fantasy Fair in The Netherlands but I still need to do pretty much things :S can someone help me out with the mudflap and the riding patches? for that you can take a look at my other topic named: ''boots and softparts'' thank you very much
  24. can someone please help me a bit out :S I really don't know if this elastic is good enough for the bikerscout riding patches..... (see picture above!)
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