I wanted to share this...
I'm no kid (42) but I started this off wayyyyyyyy too fast and was too impulsive and not very patient. I bought before I looked and/or asked questions. I ended up getting junk or the wrong stuff. So...
I have decided to get my base costume down (soft parts, boots, blaster, armor, and helmet) - as close as possible without making myself crazy or broke! I'm going to do my best to get it right from the get-go, but I know that there will be little bits and pieces required down the road. I have to keep reminding myself that there is no hurry or race. I am going to get the costume done to where I am happy, take some pics, enjoy the costume and experience, and apply for the 501st - this is phase 1 for me. I do plan to apply for Lancer, but I have a lot of learning and growing to do before I can go to that level.
You are on the way and making great progress, plus your weapon skills are awesome. Hang in there man...it's coming together! I'm sure you know this but BSN has some of the best people, who have the very best handle on this costume (witness, MC, and others)!