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501st Legion (In Memoriam)
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Everything posted by Griffin-X

  1. Congrats and well done Corey!
  2. Congrats, I have granted you Pathfinder access on the forum!
  3. Strider has guided you well. Your build is coming together nicely! Do you plan to alter the suit some? My only suggestion would be to eliminate some of the bagginess, but still not too bad.
  4. Really nice job and good looking scout. My only advice would be to watch the bagginess of the flak vest and jump suit. Great work!
  5. Great pics! Make sure you put the pouches on the correct sides.
  6. Welcome to the Pathfinders forum!
  7. No worries. The blasters in that review are all that were available at the time. The Duff blaster is no longer being made; although it's a favorite of mine. I think the DVH blaster is the best option around now.
  8. Now that is super cool brother, nice find!
  9. I did a review of the Hole in the Ground blaster here --> http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=10612
  10. How about this: 1.5" Nylon webbing (belt box straps) --> http://store.jontay.com/regular-weightcottonwebbing1-12inch-widewhitewholesaleput-up1000-yardlot.aspx 1.5" Side-release buckles (box straps) --> http://store.jontay.com/single-adjustingside-releasebuckles1-12inch-wideblackwholesaleput-up1000-pieceset.aspx 2" Nylon webbing (back of belt) --> http://store.jontay.com/regular-weight_polypropylene_webbing_2_inch-wide_white_by-the-yard.aspx
  11. I understand your frustration but respect your decision. If you decide to pursue, please send me a PM and we'll get you back in the queue. Thanks again.
  12. Can you please clarify? We've provided feedback each time and realize that this may seem like a laborious process. You've come a long way and are almost there.
  13. Looking good Mickey, love it. That Strider armor is the bomb diggity!
  14. Looks much better. Now, move the shoulder bells up more. The gap should be like no more than 2-2.5” in most cases.
  15. Yes and yes.
  16. I'm a KS/SC/Chef 'hybrid' with an ALT helmet. Works for me.
  17. You're fine, the greeblie is correct. It could actually go either way, but the preferred direction for consistency is as shown above.
  18. Totally awesome Constantin, you are definitely a scout expert!
  19. I love your build thread Paul. Keep it up!
  20. For Lancer approval, the boot soles should be one color. For level two certification (if applicable): The boots have slots cut into the heels and toes as seen on film. The boot sole is a single color with no visible stitching. Boots that are constructed too wrinkled (i.e not stretched/fitted correctly prior to gluing) or poor in appearance will be refused.
  21. Troops: I am very pleased to announce that Stefan Wickham, ST-8271 (TK8271 Rogue Trooper), has been awarded the Vanguard rank. He is the first Shoretrooper to accomplish this new rank within the detachment. Please join me in congratulating him on this accomplishment. Well done trooper! http://forum.bikersc...showtopic=18513
  22. Thanks for the additional info Stefan and great job overall on your build and upgrades. The team are very pleased to award you with the Vanguard designation. Please send your action photo to Forest Ranger (Cheyenne). You will be the first trooper on the new Vanguard Wall. Congrats and well done!
  23. Hi Stefan, your Shoretrooper is really outstanding and the attention to detail is spot on. We do have one question. What material did you use for foam on the chest/back? Plastezote is desired for the foam, however plastezote material style is acceptable.
  24. Tremendous attention to detail. Well done sir.
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