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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by automaton

  1. Hey Luis, I'd check with some other people that know better than me but I'm pretty sure the helmet is already sprayed with primer. You should be able to skip that step. -a
  2. I went to an army surplus store and picked up some helmet pads. They stick in using velcro and make the helmet really comfortable. I skipped the whole headband. I think it's one or the other, not both. I ordered my MLC painted white so I'm not much help on that. Sorry.
  3. I was just going to cut the bolt off of the disk head and sand it down to almost a flat disk and glue that to the bolt that came with the lid. I decided I'd rather alter the bolts than drill and cut into the lid if I didn't need to. What did you use to cut a square hole?
  4. Thanks John, I'm glad to hear that. I really didn't want to paint the bolts. I'm already going to have to chop off the back of the bolt to make it fit to the MLC helmet. I have a grey primer I was going to use on the snout but I sprayed it on a test piece of plastic and held it up to the bolt and it looked so dark. It was actually darker than the grey on the decals. I guess I'll just go look for a lighter flat grey paint but not necessarily as light as the bolts.
  5. I have been reading a ton of old posts about the grey used for the snout and am currently trying to find a place in California that carries the Humbrol paints. If anyone knows of a place please let me know. I do however also have the following question. I managed to get a set of the 3M bolt covers. I also have a set of decals from MC. The grey on the decals is much darker than the grey of the bolts. Which of these greys should the snout match and if I'm matching the decals should I then also paint the bolts to match or leave them the lighter grey they already are?
  6. Thanks for the info. Two questions: Did you drill the 1/2 inch hole in one go or start with a smaller hole and work your way up? Can you post a picture of how you have the squirrel fan in the snout? I just got two small squirrel fans and am trying to figure out how I want to place them in the helmet. I hadn't even thought of sticking one in the snout.
  7. My helmet from MLC took just over two weeks to get to me in California. It was just long enough for me to start freaking out that it got lost and would never show up. But it showed up and was SO worth the wait.
  8. Do you think drilling it out was beneficial? If you were rebuilding your helmet would you do it again or just leave the hollow snout as it is?
  9. Hey Guys, I got an MC hollow snout and I thought it would be hollow all the way through so I'd have access from the back. It isn't so I was thinking about drilling a hole through the back. I don't know much about drilling through resin (I'm assuming it's resin) and was wondering if any of you have tried this or just know what precautions I need to take so I don't crack or shatter it? It's not super important that I drill it, I just thought it would be cool to also drill through the front of the helmet and have a little air vent. I was also wondering with the hollow snout what is the best way to get the little screen into place and how to keep it there so it doesn't fall out? Thanks, -a
  10. Thanks for the detailed answers. I know it's pretty straight forward but I just wanted to triple check before I go off and screw something up. I've been known to do that in the past.
  11. So when you say "test fit", I can gently stick them in place and peel them up if they aren't right?
  12. Thanks. That's what I was originally thinking but I thought I remembered reading somewhere on here to hit them with a heat gun or something.
  13. So I just pull the backing off, place them where they should be, and then rub real hard? Is that it?
  14. Hey guys, So I just got a package from Far Away Creations with all the stuff I need to finish up my MLC helmet. I laid out all the decals and got really excited to start applying them. Then I realized I don't really know how to apply them. What is the best way to get them in the right place and to stick real good? I guess I've never applied decals before. Thanks, -a
  15. Grant, Are you getting the 3M bolts? I got a pair but haven't figured out a good way to attach them to my MLC helmet. -a
  16. What about the butt mud flap? I don't see it mentioned in any of the specs.
  17. Ah, I didn't realize it was through ebay.
  18. That's pretty much what I was thinking. For those of you out there with an MLC helmet are you able to get the visor all the way up? Is it even supposed to go all the way up? Mine only goes up about 45 degrees before it starts scraping and looking like it'll do damage.
  19. Do you have a link to the undersuit you just bought?
  20. Could you post a picture of that? I'm trying to figure this out too and can't picture it.
  21. I wasn't specifically referring to the fiberglass when I was talking about being precluded from making lancer. I was just saying that there may come a time when I make a decision on something that may not be to lancer standards. In that situation I was saying that I'd be ok knowing I couldn't get lancer if it was something that would make me happier with my costume. For me it's more important to have a costume that makes me feel really excited to be wearing it than one that is exactly screen accurate (but still pretty darn close). So Witness, you are telling me that I should include the feather when I send in my application? -a
  22. There are definitely some differences in philosophy here. Having worked in film, I know that many times things are done knowing they will look right on film, but may not look perfect up close and in person. I personally have no intention of filming myself as a biker scout but do plan to be out in the real world where people will be able to see and touch the costume. Because of this I would rather have things made to look and feel "real" rather than do it exactly the way the screen used ones were done. I still want it to look right of course. I'm not gonna go adding a jet pack or a feather to the side of my helmet just because I think it looks cooler. I understand also that this may preclude me from ever getting lancer status, but I think I'm ok with that. This is just my opinion of course. I do understand those who want to be as screen accurate as possible. Oh, and I do want to clarify that I do NOT think a feather on the side of the helmet would make it look cooler. It was just an example. -a
  23. I got my MLC helmet this past Saturday and that looks exactly like the snout that came with mine as well. How did you end up painting it black? I'm kind of terrified of doing that myself. I read some stuff about using pinstripe along the edges which I thought I might try but have just been putting it off completely. -a
  24. Don't forget to post pictures of your build. I'm in the process of ordering MC armor and would love to see your progress.
  25. I just got my MLC helmet and want to add some magnets to keep it shut. Any recommendations on the best glue to use to hold down the magnets? -a
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