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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by automaton

  1. Any pics of how the smaller ones are used to attach to the TD?
  2. What size alice clips were used in the movie?
  3. This is the perfect helmet for those of you that keep complaining that your heads are too big for the other helmets available.
  4. This is pretty neat to see in process. Can you post up a picture of the GM you are using as a reference for us to see?
  5. Is that the decided upon correct way for the new greeblie to go?
  6. Looking good. Did everything come fully trimmed or did you have to do some trimming?
  7. Where did you get the TD greeblie?
  8. Any progress on these?
  9. Awesome!! How much do these things normally sell for?
  10. Looks great Jim!! As soon as I get my armor I'll be right behind you. Now if I can only get MC to respond to my messages...
  11. That looks awesome. I'm so jealous. I'm still waiting for my armor.
  12. I didn't use Krylon. I went with this primer. http://www.testors.com/product/0/2937/_/Gray_Primer_MM_-_3_oz._Spray_Semi-Gloss I have no idea about the trooper bay decals. I have decals from MC.
  13. I tested out a bunch of different primers. You can see some in the pictures above. I went with the spray primer for Testors model paints. The other ones I tried seemed too dark to me or had some weird green or yellow tints to them.
  14. That's what I did.
  15. Wow!! That looks great!!
  16. Looking good Jim!! Man I hope my armor ships soon.
  17. What was wrong with the armor?
  18. That looks great! Do you have any tips on how to get the rounded section taped off nicely?
  19. That Darth Vader balloon is amazing!!
  20. Got it. Thanks!
  21. Yeah, this waiting game is pretty tough. I'm usually an incredibly patient person but I'm also not usually this excited about things. I should probably start a WIP thread for my MLC helmet. Every day my armor doesn't ship is another day I spend tweaking and modding it. If my armor doesn't ship soon I'll end up with a heads up display, long range communicator, and kevlar lining
  22. That looks great!! Yet another costume to add to my list.
  23. Does hyperfirm have an online store or any prices posted? All I can find are pictures of their stuff and then the blog with descriptions.
  24. This is very cool!! Thank you so much (and your friend).
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