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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by automaton

  1. Hang in there Jim. I'm right there with you. The last update I got from MC was they would be shipping mine the first week of October. To keep from going insane I've been doing all kinds of tweaks to my MLC helmet.
  2. Looking good!!
  3. I think we can pretty easily say that everyone will be down for the new greeblies. But yeah, me too!!
  4. Do these automotive paints come in cans or do I need to invest in a spray system?
  5. That looks great! Does it still shoot?
  6. Thanks for the update. That's pretty much what I was planning on doing. Kinda lame that we paid extra and still have to paint though. Oh well...
  7. I haven't tried contacting him since I was just planning to paint another coat anyway. Please post or PM me with any response you get.
  8. Yep. That's the same as what's happening to mine. I've only had mine for about two months now.
  9. I was just going to paint it myself. I figure one final coat of white would cover it up.
  10. Where on the TD does the greeblie go?
  11. I think you might have posted the wrong pic. I just see Admiral Ackbar's turkey neck.
  12. My brand new MLC has this. It's very faint but definitely there. I got it from MLC already painted but because of this line and a few little nicks here and there I'm considering painting another coat of white over the whole thing. I'm waiting however until my armor shows up so I can make sure the whites match.
  13. I did the exact same thing to my cs-6 except for taking pictures to remember how to put it back together. I ended up having to watch a YouTube video of a ten year old showing how to do it
  14. It's on my list too. My very long, unaffordable list.
  15. Just thought I'd share this. I ordered this jumpsuit based on what I read here. I haven't received it yet but I did get an email today with a promo code to get 20% off any of the Tru-Spec stuff. It's too late for me but if anyone else is interested in the jumpsuit the promo code is OFF20TRU http://www.chiefsupp...l-Jumpsuit.aspx This promo code is good until Sept. 5th.
  16. Painted it grey. Here is a pic. Gonna let it dry over night and then add the black.
  17. I used a heat gun to shape the lens to my helmet but I think a hair dryer would work. It didn't take much to get it to start bending. Once it started to get soft I laid it on the inside of the helmet where I wanted the lens and it molded itself to the proper shape. Once it cooled it held the correct shape. I still haven't glued it in. I'm gonna leave that for last. But I was planning to just use some hot glue around the inside edges. I didn't want the lens to be permanently attached since it'll probably get scratched up over time and I'll want to replace it. On another note, great job painting the snout area black! Can you post a close up of it painted like you did of it taped?
  18. So awesome!!
  19. I'm ready to paint the snout piece grey. I did some test strips to see how the different greys look with the bolts and decals. Those are the MC decals and the 3M bolt between the two test strips. I'm gonna go with the grey on the right. I think the one on the left is too dark. I remember reading a post that I now can't find that was talking about warming the can of paint before spraying to get a nicer even spray. Does anyone have more info on this method? I'm concerned about spraying into the little crevices of the snout piece. I'm worried about either not getting full coverage or on the other end gumming it all up with paint. Any suggestions?
  20. So I drilled out the snout and finished the hole with a file. Here are a few pics. Now it's time to paint it.
  21. 10 US you say? That just happens to be my size
  22. This is a cool idea! Will there be a way to scale it to different shoe sizes?
  23. Looking good! Where did you pick up the mannequin? I want a life size figure
  24. That is so awesome! Wish my parents were cool enough to build me a costume like that when I was a kid.
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