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501st Legion (RET)
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Everything posted by Jimah

  1. TK is spoken for... but what about KT (Kashyyyk Trooper) or KC (Kashyyyk Clone). As this camo and armour is specific to Kashyyyk, and in all other references the 41st Elite clones wear standard white armour with grey striping, it would be nice to reference that this kit is specific to Kashyyyk (as far as we know it). I haven't been on the boards for ages, as real life had other plans. But... I am more than eager to see a CRL in place. Nate, you have my photos if you choose to use them. Question for the day: if you roll a wampa in mud, does it become a swampa? Exit, stage Left!
  2. Ah good to know, cheers. Was worried you had no pics, reading your initial post :-) Nice work with the CRLs by the way!
  3. What happened to the pics I sent you Nate?
  4. Mine came in white, but I weathered them heavily. So they appear grey except under very close scrutiny. Grey is the desired colour/effect.
  5. It took me 3 goes to get the patches and gauntlets right on my gloves, hand sewing. Taught me a lot (like don't sew the gloves together)... but patience and perserverance paid off Hang in there!
  6. Awesome I have fielded a few queries from would be CBs here in Oz and told them armour is coming soon. Great to see what you are doing with these! Good luck... Mr B's moulds are in great hands!
  7. Nice!
  8. Good luck! Looks pretty tidy!
  9. Glad to hear you're better, and that the operations were a success! Welcome back
  10. Very nice work, thanks for sharing!
  11. Brilliant news, very exciting!
  12. Hello Kaan, and welcome! In the Kashyyyk Trooper section of this forum, there are several different threads with suggestions on where to source parts for the kit, and so on. Currently there is a bit of a freeze on armour production for the Kashyyyk Trooper as the molds are being re crafted... stay tuned! There are lots of WIP (work in progress) threads that should help you get an idea of what is involved with the build. As to money, at a guess I would say it cost somewhere around $1200 Australian $$$ to make my Kashyyyk Trooper. That was the armour, soft parts, paint, some tools, blaster, and so on. But if you shop smart you may be able to do it for less Sending to Turkey should not be an issue but you would want to contact the armourer to verify that, it isn't my call Good luck, welcome, and stay tuned for announcements or updates regarding the armour.
  13. Coming along nicely! I used a strap pf velcro and elastic to attach the top of my toe cap to the inside front of my shin armour. The front of the toe is secured to the boot with velcro pads on the boot toe, and velcro strips inside the toe cap. Toe plate and boot, showing velcro strapping: Velcro/elastic strap holding toe plate to shin armour:
  14. Marker sounds like a win to me. Great Idea Matt! I also left the grey parts of the belt their original colour. Making nice progress, keep it up!
  15. Grats on grabbing the armour! Look around the work in progress (WIP) threads in here. There are many great ideas and tips on how to build, paint and weather your kit. Take your time, ask questions if you get stuck, research what others have done and posted before, and above all enjoy your build! No rush Start a build thread of your own and post pics as you go. This is a great way for others to be able to follow your progress and offer advice and tips along the way, as you require them.
  16. Hang in there Garry!
  17. Sadly a lot of sellers advertise that a kit is pre-approved or approvable for 501st, when even the best armour kit won't pass muster if you have built it incorrectly, or it doesn't fit you at all. The kit should be approvable... if built correctly. Not having built an Original Trilogy scout I am only going on general knowledge here, so I may stand corrected Maybe post some pics? I am sure that a lot of folks will be happy and able to offer advice, and help you get the kit (hopefully0 to a state where it both fits you and is approvable. Don't despair!
  18. Awesome! Very excited to see Mr B's molds will be seeing more use... Absolutely love his work on the CB armour!
  19. I just used 4cm wide white canvas 'belt' material for the shin straps. For the 'bund I had to shop around quite a bit to get the right texture and colour in the material. Four different material shops, from memory, before I found the best match. I can't remember what the material was called, sorry. But here is a pic: (hope it helps) Hopefully you can see the texture of the material I used and get an idea or two from it. The grey webbing was easy to find, by comparison. I went by the guideline (for the straps on the 'bund) of making sure the webbing straps were 1.5' wide, with 1' between each strap. Hope that helps.
  20. Like the idea of press studs on the cod piece! Just use velcro but that would give just that little bit more stability... Great idea!
  21. The few, the proud... The hard to spot! Nice one!
  22. Looks like the dye has worked very well on those. Nice job!
  23. Looking great! You have managed that 'floating' appearance perfectly - nice work!
  24. Looking good! A couple of small (non-essential) fixes... on your cod piece I notice a few loose threads. I had the same issue but found that dabbing them down into place with craft glue or (better) super glue stopped them from flapping loose from the cod. Otherwise top stuff... hope you get to debut it at DW this weekend! Good luck with approval, no other suggestions from me
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