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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by c0wboi

  1. Id just like to add that lid looks awesome! Put me on the list for "will gladly buy a finished one"!
  2. Thanks some more, guys. The more I read, the more I'm going to wait. Cheapest Rubies is about 55 or so.... another 200 and I can get a KS. I've got 3 kids and a more than full time job, so my mod time is minimal. I'd rather spend the time I have working on good stuff like a KS helmet and SC armor....a Rubies might be something for once I have a good set up.
  3. Wow! Thanks! I don't know if I'm going to go that far with mine....seeing as how I have no experience with any of this. I did buy one and have some plans for some standing and painting. Thank you sooooo much for posting this, though.
  4. Tons of tips and advice, and awesome pics. You guys rock. I'm pretty set then... If I can find one pretty cheap, I'm grabbing it, modding it and keeping an eye out for better. Otherwise, just save the cash til something good comes along!
  5. Wow. Im on my phone and even so I could see the difference quite easily. If I can't afford a LW, maybe I'll be able to l pick up a used lid from someone. Hmmmm
  6. That is totally awesome. I picked one up at the store and working myself. Any chance of getting that thread moved over?
  7. Just a weekend, you say? Hmmmm. Maybe if I find one particularly low priced, I'll pick it up and go for it. Hmmmmm
  8. That IS horrible! Wow.... I'd be embarrassed to wear that. I'm sort of embarrassed I even asked. Wow.... Philipp, I think much the same as you do. I wouldn't want to cheapen the character, the armor, or the reputation of costumers by wearing that. I'm amazed they got the license to produce that... I guess the choices are pretty much wait until SC does a bucket again, see if LW goes into production, or just...wait. Oh well. I've waited this many years, a few more months won't hurt!
  9. Hey there.. I know the Rubies needs a LOT of work to meet up to 501st standards, to say nothing of Lancer. My question is this: Is it ok for just basic dress up? Here's my deal. I'll be building my armor bit by bit, and likely will have everything but my helmet by February. No word on how long or when I will have a "good" bucket. So, if I just wanted to have a lid to put on, and take some pictures, or play around locally with or what not.... How bad would that Rubies (un modified) look? Would it stick out like a sore thumb, would it look decent enough to be in public in? Or would I be better served buying a semi-decent used lid and not even wasting the money? Thanks for all the tips and advice!
  10. That looks awesome! Makes me very excited and looking forward to ordering my SC!
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