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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bjsavage7

  1. TB has been understood to stand for Trooper, Biker. TK just repeats what we heard in ANH, However, we on FISD have sort-of tossed around the word "Kavallerist" which is German for "Trooper". Although, that would be translated to "Trooper Trooper". Which is kinda weak.
  2. Not sure what they'd charge for shipping, but you can check here to see what they have in stock. http://www.jontay.com/webbing/cottonwebbing.htm
  3. Yeah, I think's pretty much it. As long as it doesn't look like its all different pieces.
  4. Maybe get a plastic for-sale sign & glue all the pieces to it & bondo the edges, so it looks like its one long piece.
  5. I thought their belts were one piece, but if they are in three pieces, that's definitely one more thing wrong with them.
  6. Yeah, look at that horrible open collar & crazy rank insignia on that officer. lol.
  7. Congrats! That looks like one Ewok who won't be giving you much trouble.
  8. Yeah, the webbing is really thick. I used duck cloth for mine. It's seems to be the right texture & thickness. The CRL gives the impression that it's the cotton webbing. Maybe I'm reading it wrong though. lol.
  9. Sometimes you can find a real gem on eBay, but alas, not that one.
  10. It's size seemed to be quite small on all the movie scouts, but I think if a mandatory width was determined, it would doom those larger members who's chest & back barely fit & need a longer connection. The CRL says they should be white cotton webbing, so yes, it should be the same material that holds the belt boxes.
  11. I think that is the only part that would need replacing all together. The rest should be acceptable with minimal modification.
  12. The Atin armor might be alright for some, but keep in mind, this thread is older & there are details on it that are currently unapprovable, mainly the inaccurate thermal detonator.
  13. That's the spirit!
  14. Get on it, Eric! You could be the 1st!
  15. Yeah, my Aker sounds just like the Scouts in the film. Only thing that bugs me is that it feedbacks a bit when I turn it up too loud.
  16. I think it changed. Faux was ok when I made Lancer. I think it has to be 100% real now.
  17. Welcome to the ranks!
  18. I think he'd make you the most accurate ones, but as you said, he's had a lot of problems. I got some Jango boots from him a while back & had to wait forever. Some folks waited a lot longer than me as well. I think some people now are using a type of tan desert boot, with the curve in the sole, but I'm sure Grumpy or one of those guys knows the exact type that'll work the best.
  19. Words to live by!
  20. Yeah, nobody really cares what the bottom looks like, for approval, or even Lancer. Although someone once did go through great lengths to cast an original sole to use which I thought was a neat idea.
  21. Merry Christmas to one and all! May everyone have a safe & blessed holiday!
  22. That's good. I think the deadline was a while back. lol.
  23. Hi Raymond. Welcome to BSN... (Yes, that armor is fine if you construct it properly)
  24. That's one thing I really like about scout armor. It can look very good on a person, regardless of height.
  25. Open-faced. The bottom of the opening should be about mid-chin or so. Of course, it doesn't matter with the face plate closed.
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