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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by bjsavage7

  1. Super late, but big congrats!
  2. Congratulations, Chase!
  3. Not sure which parts you mean, but keep in mind, Bondo is just for making things look good. It doesn't really bond anything together. E-6000, or CA glue is usually what I use.
  4. Job-well-done, Daniel! Welcome to the Lancer crew!
  5. Outstanding! Congrats!
  6. I'd recommend black staff or warrant.
  7. This should be a stickied post on every detachment
  8. That's what I use too. It's awesome.
  9. Check people's build threads too to research what worked for others. You'll find most of the do-buys and don't-buys there.
  10. Outstanding! Congrats!
  11. I just put a tiny strip of Velcro between the outside of the trigger guard and the inside of the holster where it touches. It keeps it secure and is not noticeable.
  12. Also, for you new guys who've never posted before, make sure you introduce yourselves, read through this forum, & ask any questions you might have before you buy anything.
  13. He's still a forum member here. Just pm him. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showuser=184
  14. Hey Gino, it was a real pleasure meeting you at DragonCon & my mind is still totally blown, seeing that beautiful costume!
  15. Stay away from eBay. Best to save your pennies & put together a good-quality suit first time around.
  16. A little polish never hurts. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B002UD0GIG/ref=sr_1_4_olp?ie=UTF8&qid=1395897314&sr=8-4&keywords=novus+polish&condition=new
  17. Since there seem to be some small subtle similarities between the Scout and the ROTJ TK, (which had thinner shoulder bell elastic - about 6.3 mm or so), I think it's fair to think they would be about the same size.
  18. Not really. About the best price out there, quite honestly.
  19. LOL. I was about to say that. Looks good other than that!
  20. Do you already have accurate boots with white marine vinyl, riding suit with correct collar, suede patches, thigh straps & butt flap, vest with ribbed shoulders, balaclava, accurate gloves, cummerbund, pouches, belt webbing, and blaster?
  21. Welcome, Katherine! Looks like you've got only a wee bit of adjustments to do before you are ready to be a Pathfinder!
  22. Welcome! Belt & boots look good from what I can see. In addition to what Chex said about bringing the pouches in closer, they might possibly need to up higher too. The top of the pouches should be about touching the bottom of the chest armor when you have it completed.
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