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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Shyrax

  1. Are these the TD greeblies that I need to get from Cucblack? http://cgi.ebay.com/STAR-WARS-BIKER-SCOUT-...=item3a60fc5921
  2. Thanks, noted above.
  3. Noted above, thanks. I guess these are the black details on the TD mentioned in the Lancer CRL? Keep them coming folks.
  4. **** APPROVED **** Figured I would start a build thread. It will probably be pic intensive. Below is the list of what all is needed and where I am getting them. If you see anything I have missed, please let me know. Armor - SC - done Helmet - KS - done Cummerbund - LSFU - done Vest - LSFU - done Flightsuit - LSFU - done Balaclava - Under Armour - done Gloves - SA - done Boots - Modified Target - done Blaster - done TD greeblies - done Snout - MC - done Bolt covers - done Webbing - done Can anyone think of anything I have missed? Will update as things progress.
  5. What are some good choices for the blaster. The email from SC recommends a kit from PA. Can someone send me some info on the possibilities out there. I looked through the emailed file that was sent to me by bluecyclone and don't see anything dealing with the weapons. Maybe I just overlooked it. What I know so far: hyperfirm, PA, modified Hasbro. Any others?
  6. The top edge doesn't look big enough to cut. So.. I ended up with this. I can still go higher if needed. For the back, I am thinking more of the same but with the horizontal line going through them. My problem will be clearing out the area above the horizontal line without cutting the top edge. Maybe that is why people are carrying it all the way up. No way to clear out this area without doing that. So what are your opinions on the toes? Are they looking close to what they should?
  7. Hope they are still good for the Lancer.
  8. Thanks for the info. The boots are the same ones linked to in the pinned topic "Biker Scout Boots". Hope they are correct. Since the bottom and the top of the soles are made of different material, I guess they take the flash from the camera differently. They are actually the same colors. That little stripe between them (between the numbers 1 and 2 on the photo) is a little different though.
  9. I have about 2 weeks before I can order all of my armor and soft parts. The current plan is to shoot for Lancer with SC armor, a KS helmet, LSFU softies, and Target modified boots. I went ahead and picked up the boots at Target last night thinking that I could get a jump start on them. After studying Witness's pics of his cut soles, I can't tell where the cuts stop. Per the pic below, should they stop at line 1, 2, or go all the way up through the top by the threads (line 3)? Sorry for my squiggly lines. Hard to draw on my laptop. Also, how deep should the cuts be? I went by JoAnn's and Hancock Fabrics to pic up the vinyl. Could not find any that I really liked though. Most were to thin and gave the impression that the right boot will crush from the weight of the blaster. Where do most people pick theirs up from and is there a specific item number/part number (not sure what to call it) that I should be looking for? The CRL says something to the point that the boot should come up to almost touch the knee armor. Since I do not have the armor yet, is there some way for me to figure out how tall the boots should be? Is there some magical mathematical formula that the people who sell boots on here use when making boots for someone else? This will also go for how big around the top of the boot needs to be since I do not have the flightsuit yet. Thanks in advance for your help.
  10. Add me to the "I gotta have it" list. Awesome job.
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