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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Shyrax

  1. Had a box waiting for me at the house when I go home from work. Some SC goodness. Great Valentine's Day present to myself. Was going through the stuff I had pre-purchased to get ready for this and realized that I forgot to get the duck cloth for the shoulder chest/back join. Ran by JoAnn and Hancock and neither has it in white. They did have every other color you could imagine including natural. Since I am going with the natural pouches and webbing, can I use natural up top? Is natural lancer approved?
  2. Just got an email from SC that my armor shipped out today. WOOHOO!
  3. Greeblies for the TD came in today. If SC keeps on the schedule that we discussed earlier, my armor should be shipping out next week. Fingers crossed.
  4. Here are the finished boots. Do they look OK?
  5. Cut the calf vinyl and flaps. Sewed the upper edge and velcro. Riveted and glued to boots. Will add the flaps tomorrow. Gonna have to quit using my phone as a camera. Everything is looking blurry.
  6. Webbing and the new snout came in. Started on my boots. Reworked the basic template on the pinned how-to to match my boot, calf circumference, and calf length. Started the stretching of the vinyl. Here it is before gluing. And then after gluing and with the finishing strip. Now off to JoAnn to check out sewing machines. Should have bought one when I built my TK, but my wife talked me out of it. This time I am just going to come home with it. You know what they say... It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
  7. Looks good!
  8. Vinyl came in today. Will try to get restarted on the boots tomorrow. May be Sunday though.
  9. Marine vinyl and 2" and 1.5" natural cotton webbing ordered.
  10. I tried asking for the discount also and did not get it.
  11. Flight suit, cummerbund and pouches, and vest all ordered. That completes the ordering of all the major parts. Now the hard part starts... the waiting. I will finish off the boots and order the smaller parts while waiting.
  12. Snout ordered.
  13. Armor, helmet, and blaster ordered. Updated first post.
  14. Thanks for the info.
  15. Boot questions... All the vinyl I have looked at Joann's and Hancock seems to be too soft. Seems that it would collapse under the weight of the holster and blaster. Should I be looking for maybe a pleather? Should the vinyl be smooth or grooved to look like leather? Can someone possibly post a link to the vinyl they used when creating their boots? Maybe I can convince someone to send me a swatch?
  16. The SC armor should come with just about everything I need to complete the build, but what should be replaced/added other than the TD greeblies? Different webbing, etc?
  17. I realize it is usually not a good thing to buy our stuff off Ebay, but... Any chance this blaster is Lancer quality/size? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...d=p5197.c0.m619
  18. Gloves came in today. Man that was quick. Seems like I just ordered them yesterday.
  19. TD greeblies purchased.
  20. Here it is again one with more light in the room and the other with the flash.
  21. Appreciate it. The pic is from my cell phone, will try it with the flash next time. Hopefully they will turn out better.
  22. Great. I will go ahead and get them. Here is one of the grooved boots. How are they looking? Hope I didn't screw them up. Please tell me your opinions.
  23. Moving to build thread. http://forum.bikerscout.net/index.php?showtopic=7685&hl=
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