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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Acrylikhan

  1. I was wondering when someone was going to mention this rare artifact! :lol:
  2. Agreed! Looks like the troopers are lining up for the new bucket! I'll be glad to have one that will fit my watermelon sized head.
  3. I just checked my suit.... It starts under the riding patch on the front, and ends under the riding patch in the back. Here's a picture of my suit:
  4. Not really,... But for your troop tomorrow, it will look like battle damage
  5. For my own Rubies mod, I used Krylon FUSION. It bonds to plastics and vinyl EXTREMELY well. After a proper cure time, it can be lightly wet sanded with 2000 grit sandpaper and then NOVUS polished to a nice plasteel shine! BEFORE POLISHING: (right after painting) AFTER POLISHING: (note the reflections in the helmet!)
  6. Ya know... that's not a bad idea! Darn rebels wingin' your ear!
  7. I am glad they arrived safe and sound! You are most welcome!
  8. I can't add much more here... it is shaping up very well though. keep it up! Get the photos from the gallery here as a guide. it will help out with getting the chin area in better shape. Here's the "guide" template I created to get the correct chin shape: Acrylikhan Chin Wire Template - FK Are you planning to extend the "hood" of the snout area out more? EEEk! Looks like runaway dremel damage on the ear!!!
  9. No more greebs left. All the boxes have been searched, and there are officially no more greebs left. I hope I have served you well.
  10. Oh, yeah... looks like that sucker was in a stack twelve high, and in the back of the warehouse where heat is omnipresent. Difficult, but not impossible to get it back into the proper shape. A heat gun, and an old belt, and a open slot in your freezer should help out getting that sucker back into shape. You will definitely need to get some metal rods around the edges and in the dome to keep that sucker in shape! Good Luck, and you know where to find me if you need advice.
  11. A lot of work, but totally worth it! I think anyone who got the skills to use a sewing machine, could do these mods without a hitch! Great work, Mike! New life for the JC Whitney Gloves! To the MOD staff, somebody pin this thread. We cannot afford to loose this thread!
  12. That's great news. I was worried they would be delayed with the holiday.
  13. WOW! Great Job! Very informative!
  14. Your are very welcome!
  15. Hmmm... cleaning out the work shop yields another set that had fallen behind the pressure tank. UPDATED 01-01-2011 Two (2) Kashyyyk Glove Greeb sets left.
  16. One (1) Kashyyyk Glove Greeb set left... the FINAL SET! (Updated 12/20/2010)
  17. It's starting to come together nicely. Gloves look very good too!
  18. Excellent work! Well done!
  19. Three (3) Kashyyyk Glove Greeb sets left. (Updated December 19, 2010)
  20. Vinyl shrinks as it cools, by about 10% or more. I think someone here had posted that Don Post's moulds were purchased by Rubies.
  21. Great Job! From one Don Post/Rubies Modder to another!
  22. Hey Ski. Wood (pine or plywood sheathed in styrene plastic) is probably the best thing to build with. Foam is easier to sculpt, but will dent easily, even with a few coats of resin and chopped fiberglass. If you can, avoid MDF as it can be too heavy and may contain formaldehyde resins... sculpting it would require hanging out in the garage with respirator, and then sealing it with oil based primer, such as "Kilz." In terms of using body filler, Bondo is tough stuff, but I wouldn't recommend slathering it on like cake frosting for a prop your going to tote around. (If it was for building a pattern for molding, or vac-forming, that's a different story.) Use body filler for filling small gaps, evening out wonky edges. Use drywall screws where ever possible to keep things together. Liquid Nails will become your best friend in some instances. I used Wizard of Light's blueprints... but you might have to scale down the grip... as he made his way too big. (My build blog is here on BSN for both the Carbine and the Rifle.) WOL- DC15L Plans As always, If you need help, let us know.
  23. I went for gusto and took the chainsaw to mine. For casual dress-up it's fine... but if you're going 501st, you want to bring the movie to reality. Mod it! This will hold me over until I make a helmet that's about 10% larger for my melon head.
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