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Everything posted by Acrylikhan

  1. Final Sketches of the Kashyyyk Trooper. PDF file format. Sketch 1 Sketch 2 Sketch 3 Sketch 4 Sketch 5
  2. The more I look at these pictures, the more I find what I missed before. Now I have a headache. Now to start figuring out what to make of the new jumpsuit.
  3. The top two DEFINITELY HAVE THE LOOK! The second one more than the first. Are these available to all or UK residents only? With the new information I have on the gloves, these would work out splendidly.
  4. UPDATE: The rubber greeblie is actually on the JUMPSUIT with padding underneath it, and is NOT part of the gloves. The gloves are pretty much a standard over the wrist tactical glove. The third part of the arm armor protects the elbow. Also note... the "elbow" armor has TWO individual straps, and not one. New wrinkle... let the discussion continue!
  5. Billhaq, You got it!! I'm working on the drawings, and I'm hoping to have them done by Sunday. I will be posting the pictures here, along with measurements for mrbungle's arm. My forearms are pretty long (approximately 10.5" from the edge of the back of the wrist to the crease in inside of the elbow), so I'm more mutant than human. Patience.. we're getting there!
  6. Nate, you're one of us. We don't leave anyone behind!
  7. Here's another question for the gang: Do you want to keep the entire glove black, and paint the back half of the glove gauntlet camo olive and brown, or if the price is same, have the front of the glove standard black, and the back a dark brown leather and then paint just the olive scheme?
  8. Vixx! I've missed you!!! I hope you're doing great, healthy and happy! Especially happy! Keep in touch! :)

  9. Congrats Brotherhalo!
  10. Sounds good. If we can keep it under $100 that would be great.
  11. No... that was someone else.
  12. I think the most important point is use photographs from the same scene to make your helmet. Sometimes too much information can really screw things up. Then your forever guessing if you "right."
  13. Well Nate, I think I'll just cross my fingers when I mail stuff to you. I guess that's all I really can do. I usually label my stuff "Prototype Parts" so that it looks like commerical items. I mean really, who gives a rat'ss @$$ about plastic parts. I think they've caught on to me. Overseas shipping is open. I didn't even mention that these were Star Wars related.... All I told here was I needed some tatcical armored gloves for a costume. But she knew! I wonder if someone had come to here before with a similar project. Still waiting to hear from the two others I contacted. I'll probably send out a reminder to them tomorrow.
  14. Good Luck!
  15. I'll figure out what happened. I don't want to alienate anybody! Is there anything specific that you put on the declaration, or have to put on the declaration? I never have a problem here, it seems that that it gets get over seas, problems pop up. Even stuff I send my relatives in Ireland and in England have problems occasionally. It makes me upset. - Updater - One of the glove makers I sent a request to will not be making the gloves for legal reasons. Strike One. 1 down, 2 to go.
  16. Nate, I'm working on what went wrong with three recent shipments to the UK. They were all confiscated, and I had to refund everyone their money. I'm wondering why plastic parts were confiscated. I'll keep you on the list. - frank
  17. Everyone involved with making there own set of Kashyyyk Scout Troopers time for a discussion! I may have gotten a nibble from one of my leads searching for a glove maker. But there are some questions I want to have the masses answer before I arrange any meetings. 1. Do we need custom forearm lengths for the gloves? The gauntlet looks like it goes up about half way up the forearm. Is this something we should consider being variable, or should we have a standard length? 2. Materials - I don't think there is a need to make the gloves out of top shelf materials to keep the costs down. But I would like to keep it leather. What do you guys think? 3. What price range would you think is fair? 4. How many people are interested in a pair and what size do you take in a glove? (EDITED)
  18. Not only that... but is SMELLS BAD!!! The resin anyway... A have a few friends that have been repairing airplanes, watercraft, and sports cars, mold making, and making armor for years. They've taken me in, and have completely shattered my conceptions of fiberglassing. They're helping me repair and alter my Kashyyyk armor to fit me better, and to alter for screen accuracy. I've got some nasty stress cracks that I have to reinforce and repair. They've found some bad delamination, so we're working to fix that too. I won't see them until next month for more work to do on the armor, and for fitting. where was I... I got off track, again. Oh, yeah, still waiting for the leather guy to call. Lonescout... do you have something already for the glove?
  19. oh, great... now I have the urge to build this one too.... Nice Gun!
  20. Let me get through my fiberglassing training first!
  21. I was wondering if the pad could be made from leather, and then dyed appropriately. The Leather Factory does sell a variety of dyes and leather "paints" for leather working. I'm checking with a leather worker here in Chicago about these gloves. He's very busy, so it might take a while to get in a talk with him about the project. I'm more nervous about the final price! I'm still looking for a tactical glove to mod.
  22. I do have another SLA house, I'll PM you the details. They're in Tennessee, but we go to them for larger parts, and for ones that aren't good for breaking apart.
  23. I hope you score an "A+" on this.
  24. My life is an unending quest of building and modding. Like, right now... I've started modding a Kashyyyk Trooper helmet so that the hood and faceplate are hinged like a Scout. Which is also a learning project as I am learning the art of fiberglassing. And now, I'm working on a 10% larger Scout to fit my big fat melon of a head. I'll post finished pictures soon. I need to find what box I packed it.
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