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micahman6525: Scout Build WIP

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Hey everyone,
I think it's almost time for me to take the plunge into the world of Pathfinders and purchase all the bits and pieces.
I just wanted to list the parts/ vendors to get everyone's thoughts on whether I'll have any trouble getting basic approval and/or might be missing anything. Appreciate it.
This will be my first build so im looking forward to it. Also, if you have any EC-17 recommendations such as what the most popular material it's made from and the general price point?

Helmet + Armor Kit: Chef's Creation

Belt + Thermal Detonator: Chefs Creation

Boots: Chefs Creation (Should I just attach the holster on myself or have it done for me?)

Gloves: Wampa Wear 

Flight Suit/Vest/Cummerbund/Codpiece/Pouches: KriptonTop

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Hi Micah and thank you for starting a WIP. You can't go wrong with any of the vendors you identified and you shouldn't have an issue for basic clearance but keep in mind that it's not so much the armor but how the armor fits you and the care in building it. A couple of items to keep in mind: gloves - you'll want to order a size up as Wampa tends to run a tad smaller and for your soft goods make sure you order your shipping with tracking so you can follow it from the source.

Regarding the blaster there are several vendors as well as 3D print versions available. You can check out the threads here:


As always follow the CRL as that's what the GMLs are going to use to approve you into the Legion. Also make sure that you touch base with your local Garrison to start working with them and getting to know the troopers you will be deployed with.


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Hey Micah! Retrofire provided great feedback. To that I recommend that you touch base with Chef. I think he recently put a hold on taking new orders so that he could clear his current workload, so you may want to inquire about his current lead time for production. He’s certainly worth the wait, but it depends on what your time frame is too.

As for blasters, I highly recommend https://blasterworks.net. His blasters are rubber and he uses the DarthVoorhees molds that have been a staple around here for years. He generally ships in 2 days so there’s no lead time for production. You’d be surprised how often the blaster gets banged around being mounted to your boot, but there’s no worries with a rubber blaster.

As mentioned above, make sure to request FedEx shipping with Kripton Tops. Let us know if you have any further questions. We’re happy to help.

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Chef is still taking orders for kits so if for instance you were going to twin and built it all yourself you’d be fine but with a lead time of around 4-6 weeks possibly longer. Info from his site 

As of now it’s the fully built scouts that are currently not being taken till they can catch up.  I waited just over 6 months but it’s worth it. 


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Update: gloves and soft armor ordered, still waiting on a reply from Chef (time zone difference).

For anyone with Chefs helmet, do you have mobility with the visor? On his website it says it can’t be opened vertically and primarily should stay shut. Is that the case or could you it be possible to modify the helmet (within CRL standards) to make the visor open completely?

starting to get cold feet with watching video after video on the armor building process, definitely don’t want to make a mistake. The helmet looks very complicated but I think it’s important to gain the building experience.

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 The visor does open just not as far as some others. With some sanding it can be modified to open fully.

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Replied to the message I was sent but for the thread here is a pic of how far mine opens..



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Hey Micah! It sounds like your experiencing information overload. Advanced research and planning is great but don’t over think it. Once you have stuff in hand and can see how things fit together I’m certain you’ll be more at ease. When the time comes, don’t be afraid to lean heavily on the armor team here. We’re always happy to help and we’ll get you across the finish line.

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10 hours ago, Aradun said:

Hey Micah! It sounds like your experiencing information overload. Advanced research and planning is great but don’t over think it. Once you have stuff in hand and can see how things fit together I’m certain you’ll be more at ease. When the time comes, don’t be afraid to lean heavily on the armor team here. We’re always happy to help and we’ll get you across the finish line.

Thank you for guidance, I will definitely be utilizing the armor team and my local squadron once the time comes. My gloves should come in tomorrow, I’m looking forward to slowly but surely piece everything together! 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick update: 

Everything has been ordered, should take a few months until everything arrives but will keep everyone posted.

So far my gloves have come in from Wampa Wear, definitely the right move to size up but my only question is if I need to remove the little clasp that hooks both gloves together? Thanks

TB Biker Gloves1.jpg

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  • 3 months later...

Everyone, my BBB from Chefs Creations has arrived! Lots of pieces, I need to figure out what goes to what but I’m so happy it’s finally here. 

if anyone has forums/ pics/ videos that helped them understand the trim lines for each peace that would be much appreciated!

also if you have build tips/tricks I should consider going into it that would be helpful as well. 

(Trying to include pictures but seem to be too large to attach)

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You can watch the video below from our esteemed Detachment Leader.

We do not have unlimited photo hosting on the forums, so you'll have to use a hosting service. See this thread for more info: https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/23053-faq-how-do-i-post-images/#comment-216514



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10 minutes ago, Chopper said:

You can watch the video below from our esteemed Detachment Leader.

We do not have unlimited photo hosting on the forums, so you'll have to use a hosting service. See this thread for more info: https://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/23053-faq-how-do-i-post-images/#comment-216514



I appreciate it, I've watched that video and also RS props tutorial, both were pretty helpful in understanding the general process. Unfortunately, mine don't have penciled-in trim lines/ this is my first build so that's why I was looking for close-ups for comparison.

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I would carefully examine the photos in the Scoutopedia and draw your own pencil lines. You can post them here and the armory team can offer guidance prior to cutting.


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If you’re posting to the forum via your phone, consider the free version of the Tapatalk app. It’ll allow you to access the forum and post medium res photos straight from your phone into your posts. No additional site like Imgur etc to deal with.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone! quick update,

A local squadron member has been helping me through the build process and I’m maybe 40% done with all the hard armor! Definitely has made me more confident in cutting/ trimming/ gluing etc. 

I had a question about strapping/ elastics. I don’t own a sewing machine and planned on buying a single stitch manual sewing machine or just hand sew everything. Is there a recommended needle size, type/ thickness of string, and specific sewing pattern that would be best for attaching Velcro to elastic? 

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You want leather or denim needles, which are a heavier gauge.

General purpose polyester thread should be fine. 

Sngle stitch devices usually aren't worth the money. You should see if you can at least borrow someone's seating machine. 

Hand sewing is possible but you'll need to get a metal thimble for your thumb. 

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1 hour ago, Chopper said:

You want leather or denim needles, which are a heavier gauge.

General purpose polyester thread should be fine. 

Sngle stitch devices usually aren't worth the money. You should see if you can at least borrow someone's seating machine. 

Hand sewing is possible but you'll need to get a metal thimble for your thumb. 

Appreciate it, honestly I’m probably going to buy an affordable sewing machine. (This won’t be the last build so might as well get one now lol)


another question is about the T Bits, I understand there’s the 2 little circles that need to face towards your body but can two identical pieces be used? (both little dots on the right side). I’ve seen a few builds that have two different oriented t bits but I was sent two identical ones so just trying to see if that’s an error or if it’s no problem.

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A “Film accurate T-bit detail” is for Level 2. Back in 2022 the part for the square portion of the T-bit was identified by RS.

Here’s the post on the part identification:


The builds you’re referencing that have the T-bits with circles facing forward on both arms are before 2022 update to the Level 2 requirements of the CRL.

Most vendors have updated their files so that both T-bits are now cast identical. You’re good to go with what you have!

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2 questions,

1) should I either use webbing or elastic for the strapping connecting the chest to the back? I've seen a few videos and they've done both. On the CRL basic clearance says white webbing but for the optional CRL level 2 says it can be elastic. 

2) for the helmet, I have a chefs creation kit and I'm looking for recommendations for materials needed for it (Primer/ Spray paint/ Clear coat/ etc). From my understanding, the ABS paste can be made with just mixing scrap ABS with acetone. Any recommendations for the primer/ white paint/ clear coat? Currently looking at Rust-Oleum Ultra cover gloss spray paint + primer (white), but not sure which clear coat to get.

I am eventually looking into weathering the armor but ideally id like it to match as much as possible for the time being.

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47 minutes ago, Micahman6525 said:

1) should I either use webbing or elastic for the strapping connecting the chest to the back? I've seen a few videos and they've done both. On the CRL basic clearance says white webbing but for the optional CRL level 2 says it can be elastic.

Level 1: The sides of the chest armor attach to the back armor with white webbing.

This means that the webbing can be from any material, polyester, nylon, etc., so long as it's white.

Level 2: Side under arm chest/back straps are made from 38mm (1.5") white cotton webbing.

This means that the side strap webbing should be cotton webbing.

Optional: 38mm (1.5 inch) white elastic material is acceptable provided the color matches.

This means that you may alternatively substitute white elastic for the side straps, as long as the color matches your other strapping. If you choose to use off white pouches/drop box straps, then the elastic side straps would have to match.

TLDR: For the side straps, you can use either webbing or elastic, as long as the strapping color matches your drop box strapping.

47 minutes ago, Micahman6525 said:

2) for the helmet, I have a chefs creation kit and I'm looking for recommendations for materials needed for it (Primer/ Spray paint/ Clear coat/ etc). From my understanding, the ABS paste can be made with just mixing scrap ABS with acetone. Any recommendations for the primer/ white paint/ clear coat? Currently looking at Rust-Oleum Ultra cover gloss spray paint + primer (white), but not sure which clear coat to get.

Get some Rustoleum Gray Filler Primer for the joined sections. And some regular gray primer for when you've finished sanding and are ready to paint.

For the white, we typically recomment Rustoleum Painters Touch White in gloss or semi gloss. A clearcoat is not typically needed.

For the snout you want to get a medium gray or neutral gray color and also flat black for indent portion.

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1 hour ago, Chopper said:

Level 1: The sides of the chest armor attach to the back armor with white webbing.

This means that the webbing can be from any material, polyester, nylon, etc., so long as it's white.

Level 2: Side under arm chest/back straps are made from 38mm (1.5") white cotton webbing.

This means that the side strap webbing should be cotton webbing.

Optional: 38mm (1.5 inch) white elastic material is acceptable provided the color matches.

This means that you may alternatively substitute white elastic for the side straps, as long as the color matches your other strapping. If you choose to use off white pouches/drop box straps, then the elastic side straps would have to match.

TLDR: For the side straps, you can use either webbing or elastic, as long as the strapping color matches your drop box strapping.

Get some Rustoleum Gray Filler Primer for the joined sections. And some regular gray primer for when you've finished sanding and are ready to paint.

For the white, we typically recomment Rustoleum Painters Touch White in gloss or semi gloss. A clearcoat is not typically needed.

For the snout you want to get a medium gray or neutral gray color and also flat black for indent portion.

If I got Rustoleum painters touch white gloss paint+ primer, did I make a mistake or can I use it and be fine?

for the greeblies/ snout indent portion, do you use just paint with a brush or spray paint? 

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I know the can says it's paint plus primer, but from my experience using it, you really want to use a regular primer first.

I masked the snout indent portion and spray painted it.

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