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Attention: New Lancer Approved TB-81998


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On behalf of Pathfinders Command, it is my pleasure to induct Scot "BikerScout98" Morgan (TB-81998) into the Pathfinders Hall of Fame as a Lancer Scout Trooper for the "TB - Scout Trooper - ROTJ" CRL! 

Great job, @BikerScout98!  You have been sent a Certificate of Achievement to your email on file and your picture has been added to the Pathfinders Hall of Fame.

Check out TB-81998's application here:


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Congratulations and welcome to the lancer ranks trooper

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There are so many things i could say. How the journey was from day one to today, support/no support, Great Vendors/Horrible Vendors, stress, financial, friends made, etc.

But, not EVERYONE has had to endure the same type of hardships or loss that i did. But i know there are some of them out there that have. If anyone out there is struggling in any type of situation when it comes to a PATHFINDER related Kit/Armor, my advice to you is simple:

Be proactive here and ask questions in the proper section of this website. Allow yourself to be ok with mistakes, and befriend one or more of the 1000 plus pathfinders listed here. I used to say this alot in here: "if it wasnt for this pathfinder, or if it wasnt for that pathfinder, I wouldnt be chatting with you today because i would have thrown in the towel by now."

Examples of how It couldn't be more true:

From our Leader (@BikerScout007) helping me with advice on my rotj wip dang near on day one alone, to keeping an eye on me over time making sure i moved at the proper pace (stops heavy stress,mistakes, financial losses, etc), and on down every level Armor, Review, PR, & Merch Teams, The Lancers (YOU ROCK @PhinScout & @Barber), Veteran members ,Gml's, etc.

Miker @MikerScout & Clay @CRex75: Seriously fellas, If it wasnt for the phone calls, video chats, forum help, and moral support, i wouldnt be here writing this. I was really about done at that moment when you guys showed up with that over the top care factor. I will pay it forward just as you did for me, and if you need ANYTHING within reason, i won't hesitate to help.

@The Patch Collector basically my best online friend in the uk with a great sense of humor, kindness, and all around rudeboy.

Dennis :  @AradunFF you spent alot of forum time with me! Went out of your way on numerous occasions, showing the example of how pathfinders back eachother up and make it happen.

Jeff : @StudioCreations The great deal on my very durable and very white, very shiny armor. The epic 2-10 hour video chats about anything and everything scout and 501st history.

The nutshell of help that kept me moving forward VictorZrgx CHRISTIAN  CucblackRaul Nichols, kyle Brei, Criscrus, @locokarma , @plagu3is for making alot of our awesome scout merch here & his shop endorfinders.com @Bearded Scout (for sending me my first anything merch!) @Wildcards Rex (for the help on instagram finding members) @sithbizkit (for the sticker connect) @Mikey @Jakeputt @Rocket @M.J @sconlon68 @Retrofire @kayelbe @Rugrat

@Strider & @cheesewhoopy for the awesome tutorials,

 And of course, This guy 👊😁🤘---> @Chopper

Greatest Detatchment Period.

P.S. Thank you PF's for enduring my replies when i am overly excited.





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Bro, I think your acceptance speech rivaled a few Oscar winners 🤣🤣🤣. Seriously Scot, well done my friend.  It’s been one heck of a journey watching you from that real rocky start that almost broke you, to rising above the adversities to a glorious finish, and that Lancer submission was spot on my dude!  Congratulations and welcome to the Lancers!  You’re one amazing scout!  

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haha Scot I had read all that... nar well done! 

It's a pleasure to help  members achieve their goals and congratulations, you've done a great job!


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Nice one Scot!!


Its been one hell of a journey but you've done it.   You should be really proud of yourself dude.




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