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Thanks guys! Ive got the soles masked off. Hopefully I can tint and shoot some paint before my night shift.

I just wish i knew if I should add agrey tint or a darker brown. hmmmmm



(it should look more SA after weathering)



2 Kits arrived safe and sound today at 6pm. Ive started the trim out. This is very exciting stuff.

Coffee pot on.



This is some good solid THICK plastic. Nicely done BC!


Most stuff rough trimmed. Some stuff finish trimmed. Pics up tomorrow, time to sleep.


2 kits finish trimmed (other than the tanks) and ready for surface and edge sanding. My toe caps need to be cut up and

shaped for my little 8.5 boots. Also I think I may have to cut my elbow armor down to size a bit.



Tank 1 installed and used it to mark tank 2, so that one should go super quick when Jae gets

a chance to work with me. Unfortunately i made every mistake i could with the contour guage so

I lost about 1/2" of tank. Im not a huge guy so the scale down could end up being a good thing i

guess. Working on some other stuff now, but Ill scrub the tanks toppers and other greebs down

with oven cleaner to get rid of any mold release. More progress soon.



Got the windshield dremmeled out to the point where its hand sanding only-i hate sanding resin :-(

Nice thick bucket though- they didnt skimp on material which is always apprecitaed. There are no

thin spots that require reenforcement just to be useable.... a really refreshing change. Ive got the

biceps edge sanded. Im hoping to heat and shape the biceps and join them with first coat tonight as

well as cut my KT coveralls pieces... need to prewash the fabric and iron out though.


Thanks bro. I heated and bent 4 plastic tabs and plastic welded them to the tank. Then i riveted each of them to the backplate and used apoxiesculpt around the tank. Bit of sanding. Now ill use some bumper repair type filler to really smooth around the tank, not that it really needs it. Ill try to take pics while we do Jae's tanks next weekend, i would have but i was really motoring along. Cheers.


Spending the rest of the night shaping the windshield hole and augering out a place to mount the windshield hole on the right where the resin is uber thick. Not a bad problem to have in my books, but it will take some serious time.


Thanks, would love to see some pics. I have had my armor for a few months now and I have not had any time to work on it. My work load at the office looks like it might start to die down in a couple weeks, then I will be getting to the armor.


Backing the drop boxes. I just couldnt leave the like a half clamshell. I played with the idea of making them

functional, pulled out some acrylic hinges and everything.... then decided it was a bit of work for a feature

Id never use. So I reenforced the plastic where the D ring holder will rivet through.... with small rivets but still.

Then I backed with .080 sheet, then Ill dremel it flush, sand and cover with fabric... Ill probably put the D ring holder

on first then sew a machine buttonhole in the fabric and poke the D ring through. Anyway heres a shot:



Edited. Found some old threads that explained things better. Will be trimming that lip off the chest plate.


Guys, Ive been doing my homework etc. Almost everyone is trimming out their chest the same way they would for

a TB. They are cutting away a lip on the bottom of the combat bra. Its a screen seen detail. Its either that, or the

vertical straps on the cumberbunds should be ending just before the chest armor, with a little gap visible between

them. Actually..... it could be both!


[edit] NOPE!!! I found an old cumberbund thread by Skip that had some good thoughts. I'll be dremeling off that lip on the bottom of the chest and ending the vertical webbing on the bund just before it reaches the chest plate.





The PGHFett syle helmet doesnt have a complete tutorial now it looks like. Anyone know if there is a standard

measurement for the moonroof in the visor? I just figured out that theres no return edge in the visor like the

TBs I was assuming there was, glad theres some clear pics on here.


Mike's biceps joined and ready for finish shaping and filler. I used my clone biceps as a guide for the size so I

wouldnt make them too big.


  On 4/14/2013 at 6:27 PM, miqt said:

Guys, Ive been doing my homework etc. Almost everyone is trimming out their chest the same way they would for

a TB. They are cutting away a lip on the bottom of the combat bra. Its a screen seen detail. Its either that, or the

vertical straps on the cumberbunds should be ending just before the chest armor, with a little gap visible between

them. Actually..... it could be both!




It does appear that the straps stop. (Maybe they do.) It does seem like it could go either way. (Here we go with the flaws of CGI and the way we translate it into something tangible...)

Is it the top of the cummerbund sticking out....or the lip of the bottom of the chest armor sitting on top of the cummerbund??


Based on the design of the chest piece with the lip, it seems more likely that the lip of the chest armor would sit on top of the cummerbund. As with what is seen with the Biker Scout, (I'm not a Biker expert...it's just what I read and see.) you don't want any of the flight suit (Jump suit, shirt, whatever...) to show between the armor and the 'bund. Make sense?


Because of what is shown in the scene detail pic, the lip of the chest piece should stay.


It's while wearing these things that you find yourself pulling the chest piece down, because it will ride up on you during a troop. Mainly because the weight of the back piece with the tank will be pulling it down in the back and your chest piece will work its way towards your throat.


Good question.

Good point.

Good scene pic.


Keep up the good work Mike! B)


Thanks Grumps. Trying hard to get it right, and get it on and off the workbench fast! Hers paint test #2,

I think the brown is too red (having trouble finding the reccomemded tamiya color, which is wierd cause

my hobby shop is really well stocked), but I think the tan and green are getting closer. Maybe the green

could be a few shades lighter yet? Rattlecan base with airbrush blobs and sea sponge edges, just rough,

this was all done in about 20 mins. I think one of the keys (only if this turns out to be the winning technique)

will be to sponge the edges of the basic shape 1st, then fill in with the airsrush so everything will blend much

better than whats shown here. Just saw your post brother! Yup we are gonna build KT like nobodys

business on Sat!! an I cant wait!



Yup the green is too dark, the tan is too bright and the brown is too red.. fail again I think.


Here is a good cheat for those of you who want to take the wonkyness out of the inside of their visor

without spending a ton of time filling and sanding. Hit the inside of the visor with some really gritty

paper, i used 60gr, just enough to take the highest spots down. then shim part of the difference with

plastic strips. I always keep a supply of the evergreen styrene strips from the hobby shop. Now you

are only adjusting the height of your little plastic strips instead of working on the whole visor. Trace out

the filler on some thin (i used .040 styrene) plastic trim it up and lay it in. While all of this was bonding, I

clamoed the whole visor down flat to improve the overall shape. Do this on all 3 sides- the visor sides

will require 2 pieces to match the angles. Now you will only be filling and sanding all the corner, front

and back SEAMS. Tons of time and energy (and weight) saved doing it this way and will take all the

wonk out of your visor. Pics:





Also I almost have the windshield hole shaped up... A little wonk still needs removal.



Never thought of that, very nice man.

I know mine weighs a bit more now that I have it filled in with bondo...



More than 1 way to skin a cat brother- looks like you're on your way to a sweet lid. I notice that your sunroof is well forward on the visor. On some screen pics it looks well forward and on some it looks center to further back. So I dont know where the heck to put it but ill have to decide soon.

  On 4/17/2013 at 6:04 AM, miqt said:

More than 1 way to skin a cat brother- looks like you're on your way to a sweet lid. I notice that your sunroof is well forward on the visor. On some screen pics it looks well forward and on some it looks center to further back. So I dont know where the heck to put it but ill have to decide soon.

The CRL's state center of the lid, so assume it is left to right and front to back? i hope so because that is where mine is. Too late now LOL



For 501st approval:

  • Fan-made helmet.
  • Full set of greeblies - 2 breathers, triangle piece, five bar snout piece and visor bolts.
  • Rectangular slot on the visor measuring 2.5 to 2.75 inches long and 0.75 inches wide - centered in the middle of the visor.
  • Visor with reflective green lens.
  • Chrome undercoat, matt base colors and camo pattern to simulate on-screen troopers – weathering recommended.


I'm gonna bondo it shut and redo it again... I had messed up and made it to large, so I'm gonna shrink it down and pull it more toward the forehead.

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