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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by jabbasdead

  1. great looking bucket...
  2. Go with the KS recommends the guy with the 7 7/8" noggin. Time can be an issue, but a nice and light helmet once you get it.
  3. Bummer, its been a while since we trooped. Nothing like seeing a chopped up Rubies
  4. Rob are you going to be at the Museum troop this weekend?
  5. Fixed it, yeah...

  6. Fixed it, yeah...

  7. Duh, you don't sew-you iron to the back of the fabric and then sew.
  8. I used a heavy "fusible webbing" that stiffens the duck cloth. It comes in different grades from light like the use when making the collar in a collared shirt to heavy which is almost as stiff as cardstock. You sew it to the back of the fabric and it is holds it shape pretty good. You have buy it by the yard at walmart/hancock.JoAnns cheap.
  9. we have quite a few pictures in the gallery to use for reference.....up in the toolbar
  10. I have the KS helmet kit and have encountered the same problems. Like others said, if you want to send it back they offer to send you another one (you pay the shipping). I will just go the fill-in and paint route once we finish moving, paint and filler is cheaper than shipping back to them and waiting another month or so for a new kit.
  11. I have always glued them down. My current boots (8yrs old) are finally starting to separate after quite a few troops. I would glue them down, if you use a good glue you should not have any problems.
  12. I don't own anything by Debbi. CB was made by me and has no suede, flightsuit was tailored by me and I used a washable micro fiber that looks like suede.
  13. I wash mine is the washer but I hear a few dry clean. I no longer can iron my pouches to keep that box shape, so something to consider.
  14. As an ex-surfer, I couldn't image trooping in a wetsuit. Even a 3/2 would become uncomfortable after a while I would think. There was a guy that did a scuba scout that I think used a wetsuit, you might search the old posts and see if you could track him down and ask him how it was...
  15. RIT doesn't work on all materials so check what the fabric is made out of before buying it. It does work great on cotton.
  16. So lets see that build...
  17. a man with a plan, good idea....
  18. If the skull chin can't be seen you should be able to use it. I had a very similar one that I wore under my motorcycle helmet for a while and used on a few bucket off pictures but lost it and never replaced it.
  19. I was a bit concerned that the color of the soles were a bit "white" in the picture....but since nobody else has said anything you are probably good to go
  20. whats wrong with the one's Diane linked? Just curious.
  21. looking at last picture you might consider a new flap to reach all the way to that seam that is showing...getting there, good job if you went off the template online, they don;t always cover all the space needed which is why I go the paper template for that one piece
  22. have you looked in the junior boys section? That is pretty small.
  23. Give then a couple of days to review the new pics, most have jobs during the week but you should hear back soon.
  24. What can be helpful is an extra set of hands. Put on your belt and keep pinning it until it looks correct, even used a stapler in a pinch, but there is not too much gap between the belt and the boxes. If not sure, pin and take a picture and show us. It is very common to do boxes too low the first time.
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