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501st Pathfinder
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Ubermensch last won the day on June 9 2023

Ubermensch had the most liked content!


31 Excellent

About Ubermensch

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Eureka, CA

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  • 501st Garrison
    Golden Gate Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Yep, I’ll be here (I’m local). 😁
  2. Congrats! You never forget your first tree. Unless it was at speed, then you don’t remember much.
  3. Some greats shots in that latest set! I really need to add some weathering to make it easier to know which is me. 😅
  4. A press release from the film commission about the festival, which includes the pic of all of us with our cell phones out: https://kymkemp.com/2023/06/08/forest-moon-festival-commemorates-the-40th-anniversary-of-star-wars-return-of-the-jedi/
  5. Here is a local article that popped up that has a few pics of some of us. https://m.northcoastjournal.com/AEBlog/archives/2023/06/06/photos-forest-moon-festival-fun
  6. That looks awesome! I’m one of scouts in that shot.
  7. Seriously, huge shout out to @BikerScout007. That was fantastic and just the cell phone shots I’ve seen so far are great. Can’t wait to see what the film commission photographer got. I was lucky enough to have this weekend as my first troop, and I look forward to trooping with all of you in the future.
  8. For anyone camping down near the grove, you might want to check out Wildwood Waffles. 'Mind blowing': A hardware store is selling the best waffles in NorCal (sfgate.com)
  9. I got approved! Thanks for all the feedback! 🙌
  10. I thought I was on the interest list but realized I never got an email. Just submitted to the list again in case I wasn’t already on it. 🤦‍♂️
  11. All comments so far have pretty much focused on the codpiece, so I’m taking that as a good sign that the rest is looking ok, or at least good enough for level 1. I’m open to any additional feedback or suggestions that you all might have. Can’t wait to troop with you all.
  12. I created a new codpiece that should have a much better shape while working for my dimensions. I also took the opportunity to add stirrups to the legs to wrangle the folds. The cummerbund needs a good ironing. I also just noticed the tags on the gloves sticking out, so I'll fix that too.
  13. I was doing it the same way as you, just didn't use nearly as much. I was also concerned about there being a gap, so this is awesome. Thanks!
  14. Maybe I wasn't liberal enough with the hot glue, or I was using crappy glue sticks. Will try it again. Thanks!
  15. Brilliant, thanks! Just realized I attached my current codepiece just over an inch below intended. Raising it helped loads, but as mentioned the shape isn't quite right. Plus, I think I skimped on the polyfill. Back to the sewing machine I go.
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